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Minimalish Django Starter Kit


Minimalish is a Django Project Template. It's an opiniated, deployment-ready, "good enough" starting point that includes most of everything you'd want to have in a Django project:

  • dev / prod environment separation
  • environment variables (per the classic 12factor) with fallback to .env (useful on dev)
  • static file serving
  • integration of the frontend bundler Vite so that you can combine a TypeScript frontend with a Django backend. this is great for React projects, which most frontend projects are these days.
    • you also don't have to use Vite or write a TypeScript frontend -- the classic Django html templating still works fine.
  • all of the necessary files to deploy your site using disco

how to do it

copy & paste the code below to start a new Django project based on this template:

echo -n "what's your project name (short, lowercase-only, no spaces or hyphens, etc.)? "
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install Django==5.1
django-admin startproject --template= -n .env.example -n -n $PROJECTNAME .
pip install -r requirements.txt
git init
mv starter $PROJECTNAME
cp .env.example .env
mkdir core/frontend/static
python migrate
(cd core/frontend && npm install)


  • fill out the DJANGO_SECRET_KEY value in the .env file
  • in one terminal, start the Django backend server with python runserver
  • in another terminal:
cd core/frontend
npm run dev

to deploy using disco, create a new github repo with your new directory, and refer to the disco Django+SQLite docs.

more technical info

Minimalish uses:

  • Django 5.1
  • python 3.10/.11 ish
  • pip / venv / requirements.txt
  • .env configuration files on developers' machines using python-dotenv
  • os-level env vars on production
  • dev/prod separation in the settings
  • integration of Vite using django-vite
  • a custom user model1
  • use of os.environ[] rather than the softer os.getenv() which by design silently fails. if an env var can't be found, that's a problem that needs addressing
  • whitenoise for static file serving
  • core default/main app with a mini / function view & template file
  • the necessary files to deploy this using disco

more extra bonus things

  • I suggest you setup & use Black and Pyright via text editor packages. Black should auto-format on save. TODO add black via pre-commit

other resources


this project was initially created during my time at the Recurse Center. thanks to Rob Simmons for the contributions!


  1. because you only get one chance