Releases: guitarrapc/GraniResource
[Fix] Grani_Download Resource
[Added] Grani_ScriptOnOSVersion Resource
Now you can handle Script execution with desired client OSVersion at run-time.
This release is specially recommended if you want to change script execution for each OSVersion.
What Changed?
- [Added] Grani_ScriptOnOSVersion (cScriptOnOSVersion) resource. : #82
- [Changed] Pester Tests project root is now changed from "Test" to "Tests".
How to install
Already published to PowerShell Gallery. Please use following to install latest.
Install-Module -Name GraniResource
Why Grani_ScriptOnOSVersion needed?
Sample Usage
[Fix] cDotnetFramework broken issue
- Fixed cDotnetFramework. this happens with VSCode format code functionality with inline comment.
How to install
Already published to PowerShell Gallery. Please use following to install or latest.
Install-Module -Name GraniResource
[Add] Region support for cS3Content
- Add
property to override cS3Content
- Add Pester Unit Test to check regions.
How to install
Already published to PowerShell Gallery. Please use following to install or latest.
Install-Module -Name GraniResource
[Fixed] fix cScheduledTask Win2012 R2 and lower issue
[Fixed] fix cScheduledTask Win2016 issue and Test-DscConfiguration Error
- bug fix for Windows Server 2016 with new limitation with Repetition Duration.
Detail : #71
- Fix Sporadic error after "Test-DscConfiguration"
This kind of error may happen because I did not add namespace for enums. Please make an issue if you experience this kind of issue.
Detail : #69
How to install
Already published to PowerShell Gallery. Please use following to install or latest.
Install-Module -Name GraniResource
[Fixed] fix Fazzy Matching for cS3Content Get/Test.
Small bug for edge case.
Detail : #68
How to install
Already published to PowerShell Gallery. Please use following to install or latest.
Install-Module -Name GraniResource
[Fixed] Grani_CredentialManager.schema.mof was missing
small bug fix
How to install
Already published to PowerShell Gallery. Please use following to install or latest.
Install-Module -Name GraniResource
[BreakingChange]cCredentialManager Resource now support Same Target, Credential for Multiple Accounts
Now you can manage same Credential Manager entry for Multiple User account by PsDscRunAsCredential.
What Changed?
- [Enhanced] Grani_CredentialManager (cCredentialManager) resource to support same target for multiple account. : #65 (PR : #64 )
- [BreakingChange] Grani_CrednetialManager (cCredentialManager) introduce new Key property InstanceIdentifier and previous key Target is changed to Required. InstanceIdentifier is just an name to guarantee uniqueness of each resource and never effects to Cred Manager registration.
How to install
Already published to PowerShell Gallery. Please use following to install or latest.
Install-Module -Name GraniResource
Sample Usage
- Add same entry to both SYSTEM and Administrator.
configuration Present_MultpleSameTarget
Import-DscResource -Modulename GraniResource
Node localhost
cCredentialManager System
InstanceIdentifier = "Sytem"
Ensure = $Node.Ensure
Target = $Node.Target
Credential = $Node.Credential
cCredentialManager User
InstanceIdentifier = "User"
Ensure = $Node.Ensure
Target = $Node.Target
Credential = $Node.Credential
PsDscRunAsCredential = $Node.PsDscRunAsCredential
$configurationData = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = "localhost"
PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true
Ensure = "Present"
Target = "DesiredTargetName"
Credential = New-Object PSCredential ("PesterTestDummy", ("PesterTestPassword" | ConvertTo-SecureString -Force -AsPlainText))
PsDscRunAsCredential = New-Object PSCredential ("administrator", ("SuperExcellntPassword____????1111" | ConvertTo-SecureString -Force -AsPlainText))
Present_MultpleSameTarget -ConfigurationData $configurationData
[Added]cCredentialManager Resource
Now you can manage Credential Manager entry with PowerShell DSC.
This release is specially recommended to use WMF5 or higher version.
What Changed?
- [Added] Grani_CredentialManager (cCredentialManager) resource. : #63 (PR : #64)
- [Fixed] Cannot get ScheduleTask configuration : #62 thx @spawluk
How to install
Already published to PowerShell Gallery. Please use following to install latest.
Install-Module -Name GraniResource
Why cCredentialManager needed?
Windows have Credential Manager to manage user specific credential with highly encrepted, imagine Key Chain in Mac OSX. This feature is highly used for many application, like Git for Windows, Adobe, MicrosoftOffice, OneDrive and others.
However it's pretty hard to manage Credential Entry because sometimes entry will be disappear after reboot, or unexpectedly overwritten required credential by other application.
This resource will allow you manage and strongly keep credential entry with PowerShell DSC.
Sample Usage
- Add entry as DemoEntry with Credential for user Administrator. You can control credential manager's user by passing user's login credential to PsDscRunAsCredential Property.
configuration Present_PsDscRunAsCredential
Import-DscResource -Modulename GraniResource
Node localhost
cCredentialManager Present
Ensure = $Node.Ensure
Target = $Node.Target
Credential = $Node.Credential
PsDscRunAsCredential = $Node.PsDscRunAsCredential
$configurationData = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = "localhost"
PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true
Ensure = "Present"
Target = "DemoEntry"
Credential = New-Object PSCredential ("PesterTestDummy", ("PesterTestPassword" | ConvertTo-SecureString -Force -AsPlainText))
PsDscRunAsCredential = New-Object PSCredential ("administrator", ("SuperExcellntPassword____????1111" | ConvertTo-SecureString -Force -AsPlainText))
Present_PsDscRunAsCredential -ConfigurationData $configurationData