An app to change your desktop wallpaper from different sources.
Currently, implemented for Unsplash only, more may come.
NOTE: the name is a work in progress
go get
go install
$> gorky
// Output:
2020/05/02 22:40:34 Downloading new image
2020/05/02 22:40:35 Changing background
2020/05/02 22:40:35 Saving background to /home/$HOME/.local/share/gorky/gorky_285610876.png
2020/05/02 22:40:36 Cleaning old backgrounds
The service will change the wallpaper each 12 hours (it would be a parameter at some point)
gorky-service -service install
systemctl start gorky
migrate to
to separate package -
make the CLI usable
allow to change unsplash collection from config file
check for config before service installation
integrate more services (Pinterest)
add service parameters. ex:
- runAt("12pm")
- or more "cron like"