Statistics::Covid - Cookbook
Version 0.24
This module fetches, stores in a database, retrieves from a database and analyses Covid-19 statistics from online or offline data providers.
This document puts together a few examples demonstrating its functionality.
The module uses three database tables at the moment: Statistics::Covid::Datum, Statistics::Covid::Version and Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData. Consult Statistics::Covid::Schema::Result::Datum on how to do create your own tables. For example for storing plots or fitted models.
In order to assist analysis and in particular in correlating the epidemic's statistics with socio-economical data a sub-package (Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData) has been created which downloads such data provided by and stores it in the database, in a table on its own.
Below is an example configuration file which is essentially JSON with comments.
It can be found in t/config-for-t.json
relative to the root directory
of this distribution.
# comments are allowed, otherwise it is json
# this file does not get eval'ed, it is parsed
# only double quotes! and no excess commas
# fileparams options
"fileparams" : {
# dir to store datafiles, each DataProvider class
# then has its own path to append
"datafiles-dir" : "datazz/files"
# database IO options
"dbparams" : {
# which DB to use: SQLite, MySQL (case sensitive)
"dbtype" : "SQLite",
# the name of DB
# in the case of SQLite, this is a filepath
# all non-existing dirs will be created (by module, not by DBI)
"dbdir" : "datazz/db",
"dbname" : "covid19.sqlite",
# how to handle duplicates in DB? (duplicate=have same PrimaryKey)
# only-better : replace records in DB if outdated (meaning number of markers is less, e.g. terminal or confirmed)
# replace : force replace irrespective of markers
# ignore : if there is a duplicate in DB DONT REPLACE/DONT INSERT
# (see also Statistics::Covid::Datum for up-to-date info)
"replace-existing-db-record" : "only-better",
# username and password if needed
# unfortunately this is in plain text
# BE WARNED: do not store your main DB password here!!!!
# perhaps create a new user or use SQLite
# there is no need for these when using SQLite
"hostname" : "", # must be a string (MySQL-related)
"port" : "", # must be a string (MySQL-related)
"username" : "", # must be a string
"password" : "", # must be a string
# options to pass to DBI::connect
# see for all options
"dbi-connect-params" : {
"RaiseError" : 1, # die on error
"PrintError" : 0 # do not print errors or warnings
A configuration file can be read into a configuration hashtable. And either form of configuration is accepted by all high-level functions in this package. For example,
use Statistics::Covid::Utils;
my $confighash = Statistics::Covid::Utils::configfile2perl('config/config.json')
or die "failed to read config file";
A confighash can be adjusted to particular temporary needs by modifying certain values these adjustments are not saved back to file (!)
$confighash->{'dbparams'}->{'hostname'} = ...;
The API for high-level subs or class constructors, provided by this package, reserves a key in the input parameters hash for 'config-hash' or 'config-file' to specify the configuration either as a file or as a previously read config hashtable.
Fetching data entails sucking it from the data providers' sites using provided APIs or, in the worst case, scraping it, even from HTML. Thankfully, all the providers so far provide JSON or CSV files.
points to Johns Hopkins University site and contains real-time world data. China, United States, Canada and some other countries have data for states or provinces too. E.g. Colorado or Xiandong. -
points to Johns Hopkins University github repository which contains CSV files for each day since the beginning. Their last CSV will more or less contain the data currently atWorld::JHU
. Github being what it is restricts access to this site and downloads of several files will be restricted. In this case it is preferable to clone the repository into a local directory and useWorld::JHUlocaldir
option, below. -
is a local clone (git clone) of the above git repository. For example:mkdir JHU-COVID-19-github cd JHU-COVID-19-github git clone ''
Then everytime you want to fetch fresh data, do:
cd JHU-COVID-19-github git pull
This will fetch CSV data locally. And see later on how to parse and insert it to the local database.
use Statistics::Covid;
$covid = Statistics::Covid->new({
# configuration file (or hash)
'config-file' => 't/config-for-t.json',
#'config-hash' => {...}.,
'providers' => [
'provider-extra-params' => {
'World::JHUlocaldir' => {
'paths' => ['JHU-COVID-19'],
# 'World::JHUgithub' => defaults are enough but see L<Statistics::Covid::DataProvider::World::JHUgithub>
# save fetched data locally in its original format (json or csv)
# and also as a perl var
'save-to-file' => {
'UK::BBC' => 1,
'UK::GOVUK2' => 1,
'World::JHUlocaldir' => 0,
'World::JHUgithub' => 1,
'World::JHU' => 1,
# save fetched data into the database in table Datum
'save-to-db' => {
'UK::BBC' => 1,
'UK::GOVUK2' => 1,
'World::JHUlocaldir' => 1,
'World::JHUgithub' => 1,
'World::JHU' => 1,
# debug level affects verbosity
'debug' => 2, # 0, 1, ...
}) or die "Statistics::Covid->new() failed";
The above will set up an object which can be used for downloading the data and inserting it into the database and/or selecting data from the database.
When instantiated, the object will check for the existence
of the database (as specified in the configuration file).
If the database does not exist, it will be deployed and
tables created, all ready for inserting data.
At this point, please be reminded that all functionality
has been tested with SQLite3
. However, because internally
DBIx::Class is used, one would guess that it's fairly simple
to use other database vendors. The configuration file
is where the database vendor and parameters passed to the database
connector are set. Theoretically, changing a database vendor
is as easy as adjusting the configuration
file in one or two places.
So, after successful instantiation, a database and all required tables are guaranteed to exist.
The main data item to be inserted into the database is the Statistics::Covid::Datum.
It represents a set of quantities (something like confirmed
and unconfirmed
, recovered
and terminal
) for a specific location and time point.
Which can be Italy, Tue 21 Apr 21:54:48 UTC 2020
. This will count all total
quantities over space and time. So, confirmed
cases will be the total
confirmed cases all over Italy and since the beginning of records.
in this package is what we call an admin0
And so is the UK. For the UK, there is data for each "country"
which will be admin1
(e.g. Scotland). And also data for each
region admin2
(e.g. South-East). And also data for each
local authority admin3
(e.g. Hackney).
The Datum table can take up to 4 levels of location administrative
levels admin0 ... admin4
. It also can store lat
and long
of locations in case they are not standard, e.g. cruise ships.
As far as markers are concerned, in addition to those mentioned above,
there are 5 user-specified indicators i1, i2, i3, i4, i5
(each storing a
real). Depending on the datasource
provider, these user-specified
markers can have different meanings.
The Datum table schema is specified in Statistics::Covid::Datum::Table
as a hashtable (SCHEMA
). The column specification follows DBIx::Class
convention, for example:
'admin0' => {data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable=>0, size=>60, default_value=>''},
'recovered' => {data_type => 'integer', is_nullable=>0, default_value=>1},
'i1' => {data_type => 'real', is_nullable=>0, default_value=>-1},
Datum, in addition to being a database table, it is also a Class whose
objects store exact same data in memory. Its constructor accepts the above data
in a hashtable form. It does not deal with the particular data formats
specific data providers provide. It needs a hashtable of key/value
pairs of data (e.g. admin0
, confirmed
, etc.).
The logic for converting fetched data from a specified provider to Datum objects
is done inside each DataProvider
class. There must exist one for each
data provider all inheriting from Statistics::Covid::DataProvider::Base which
offers basic functionality.
For example, see Statistics::Covid::DataProvider::World::JHU. Its constructor specifies a set of URLs, headers, post-data (if any). The main functionality is provided by "create_Datums_from_fetched_data" in Statistics::Covid::DataProvider::World::JHU which gets the fetched data and converts it to Statistics::Covid::Datum objects.
More data provider classes can be created by following Statistics::Covid::DataProvider::World::JHU.
Data will be fetched from specified providers, either local or remote using the following:
# $covid has already been created using Statistics::Covid->new(...)
$newObjs = $covid->fetch_and_store() or die "fetch failed";
print $_->toString() for (@$newObjs);
# or get the complete hash of params
print pp($_->toHashtable()) for (@$newObjs);
Fetched data will optionally be saved to local files in the exact same format as it was downloaded (so that they can be read again in the case database needs to be rebuilt) and/or optionally be saved to the database as the current table schema dictates.
$someObjs = $covid->select_datums_from_db({
'conditions' => {
admin0=>'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland',
'datasource' => 'UK::GOVUK2',
'attributes' => {
rows => 10,
The query functions provided are just high-level DBIx::Class
following the conventions of "search" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet. conditions
is the equivalent of the WHERE
clauses. In attributes
one can
specify maximum number of rows, ORDER BY
clauses, etc.
The following queries and sorts the results in time-ascending order,
my $timelineObjs =
'conditions' => {
'datasource' => 'UK::GOVUK2',
admin0=>'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland',
Count the number of rows matching certain conditions with,
print "rows matched: ".db_count_datums({
'conditions' => {
'datasource' => 'UK::GOVUK2',
admin0=>'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland',
If for some reason it is needed to insert an array of Datum objects into the database, this will do it:
$covid->db_datums_insert_bulk($arrayOfDatumObjs) or die "failed to insert"
At this point we should mention that the insertion of in-memory
objects in the database if identical-in-primary-key objects already exist
is done in accordance to the replacement policy specified in the configuation
file under the key replace-existing-db-record
which can take
the following values:
inserts the in-memory object, replacing the one existing in the database only if "newer_than" in Statistics::Covid::Datum returns true. That first compares the data with respect to time and then ifterminal
, and finally,unconfirmed
cases have increased, in this order.ignore
, do not do an insert at all, no questions asked.replace
, do an insert, no questions asked.
In order to assist analysis and in particular in correlating the epidemic's statistics with socio-economical data a sub-package (Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData) has been created which downloads such data provided by and stores it in the database, in a table on its own.
Like Datum, the Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData class is dual, representing
an object in memory and a row in the corresponding table in the database.
The schema for this table is in Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData::Table.
The entry $SCHEMA->{'c2f'}
specifies which descriptors to download
and create columns in the database table WorldbankData
. At the moment
adding another descriptor, in addition to the 9 already existing is not
difficult. It just means that the database table must be altered which is
not as easy for all database vendors. So, it is preferable to
re-create the table. Saving re-downloading data is desirable but that
means to store them locally. The consiensous user will find a modus-vivendi.
builder = Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData::Builder->new({
'config-file' => 'config/config.json',
'debug' => 1,
}) or die "failed to construct";
$ret = $builder->update({
# optional parameters to be passed to LWP::UserAgent
# sane defaults already do exist
'ua-params' => {
'agent' => 'ABC XYZ'
# optionally specify whether to re-download data files (no!)
'overwrite-local-files' => 0,
# the replace-strategy for existing db rows is
# in the config file under dbparams
# this will clear ALL rows in THIS TABLE (only)
'clear-db-first' => 0,
}) or die "failed to update";
print "Success fetching and inserting, this is some info:\n".pp($ret);
This is yearly data, so re-downloading data must be done once a year, when data is updated at the source.
Using the data is as easy because the Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData class is similar in functionality to the Statistics::Covid::Datum class, both inheriting from the same parent class (Statistics::Covid::IO::DualBase).
The main point to remember is that each Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData
object is one datum in space (countries) and time (years) containing all
the indicators specified at the table creation time, like above. Getting
a column / field / attribute out of such an object is via get_column()
Unfortunately Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData objects are not yet integrated to the Statistics::Covid class and so they have a somewhat lower interface (which is identical to Statistics::Covid::Datum's, just that the latter has also a higher interface). Anyway, the API is quite high-level as it is,
$io = Statistics::Covid::Version::IO->new({
# the params, the relevant section is
# under key 'worldbankdata'
'config-hash' => $confighash,
'debug' => 1,
}) or die "failed to construct";
$io->db_connect() or die "failed to connect to db";
my $objs = $io->db_select({
'conditions' => {
#'countryname' => 'Italy',
'countrycode' => ['it', 'gr', 'de'],
'year' => { '>=' => 1990, '<=' => 2010 }
print "Population of ".$_->get_column('countryname')." was "
." in ".$_->get_column('year')
for @$objs;
Or get the latest data for each of these countries using this special select, see DBIx::Class::ResultSet#+select,
my $WBio = Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData::IO->new({
# the params, the relevant section is
# under key 'Worldbankdata'
'config-hash' => $confighash,
'debug' => 1,
}) or die "failed to construct";
$WBio->db_connect() or die "failed to connect to db (while on world bank)";
my $WBobjs = $WBio->db_select({
'conditions' => {
countryname=>['Angola', 'Afghanistan'],
# see L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet#+select>
'attributes' => {
'group_by' => ['countrycode'],
'+select' => {'max' => 'year'},
print pp($_->toHashtable()) for @$WBobjs;
See Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData::Builder and Statistics::Covid::IO::Base for more information.
A simple, if not naive plotting functionality exists in-built. In the back of the author's mind there was the requirement to have on the save graph multiple plots, possibly over time, with the same vertical and horizontal axes.
The first part is to select data from the database. Then
the selected array of Statistics::Covid::Datum objects
(remember that each holds data for a single point in space and time)
is converted to a data-frame which is a convenient way to
have the data to be tabulated, e.g. the number of confirmed
cases for Spain in one single array. And the corresponding
time points in another single array. In this case, admin0
is the groupby
column name (attribute, field, etc.).
The data-frame will contain one key/value pair for
each distinct item in the admin0
group. In our example,
just "Spain". But since data for other countries is
more detailed, we will use
['admin0','admin1', 'admin2', 'admin3', 'admin4']
as the groupby
column names.
use Statistics::Covid;
use Statistics::Covid::Datum;
use Statistics::Covid::Utils;
use Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Plot::Simple;
my $covid = Statistics::Covid->new({
# no need to specify providers etc., that's only for fetching
'config-file' => 't/config-for-t.json',
'debug' => 2,
}) or die "Statistics::Covid->new() failed";
my $timelineObjs =
'conditions' => {
'datasource' => 'UK::GOVUK2',
'admin3' => 'Hackney',
'admin0' => 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland',
# create a dataframe
my $df = Statistics::Covid::Utils::datums2dataframe({
'datum-objs' => $timelineObjs,
# each unique geo-location will be a single group
'groupby' => ['admin0','admin1', 'admin2', 'admin3', 'admin4'],
# with these data in each group as an array keyed on group name
'content' => ['confirmed', 'terminal', 'datetimeUnixEpoch'],
}) or die;
# plot 'confirmed' vs 'time'
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Plot::Simple::plot({
# the dataframe we just created
'dataframe' => $df,
# saves the plot image to this file:
'outfile' => 'confirmed-over-time.png',
# plot this column against X
# (which is not present and default is
# time : 'datetimeUnixEpoch'
'Y' => 'confirmed',
# this is the default if no 'X'
# in Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Plot::Simple
# the format is '%d/%m(%Hhr)' (see Chart::Clicker)
'X' => 'datetimeUnixEpoch', # secs since THE epoch
The selected data can be fitted into a user-specified model. A model is just a mathematical equation which we think the particular data generating procedure follows. The procedure in this case is the natural phenomenon of a virus spreading among a population. Often an exponential model is used, and for good reason.
Such a model is y = c1 * c2 ^ x
. Where c1
and c2
coefficients which we need to find from the data at hand.
is the independent variable, which is time in our case in
some reasonable time unit, say hours or 12-hour spans.
is the dependent variable, for example the number of confirmed cases.
It depends on time (x
) and the
coefficients. With this equation, for a given time we can predict
the number of cases provided that the coefficients are accurate
and of course the data model, the exponential equation in our case,
is not too simplistic. Finding accurate and correct coefficients
requires a lot of data points and depends on the number of
Other models are the polynomials, y = c0 + c1*x + c2*x^2 + ...
Algorithm::CurveFit is used to find the coefficients for any user-specified equation provided there is sufficient data to do so.
User-specified equations can be written using the notation
as described in Math::Symbolic::Operator, Math::Symbolic,
Usually *
denotes multiplication and ^
raising to a power,
must be used for the independent variable and names valid
as Perl variables are valid for coefficient names.
A higher-order polynomial will fit the data better but will take some time. Using an exponential and a polynomial model of degree 4 is probably a sane choice. The polynomial can be used to fit the data from the beginning to the end, where it forms a plateau. The exponential can fit the data at the first stages.
Why do we need to fit the data to an analytical model? Because if the fit is accurate, we can express all that data we fitted with a handful of parameters. It is a kind of data compression. Once we have good fit, we can compare the various data, how the virus spread in different countries. We can do some clustering to tell us if there are groups of countries with similar patterns. We can correlate with some of World Bank's socio-economic indicators and check the hypothesis that the demolition of Public Health Systems or the decrease in Public spending caused a lot of panic and instigated the foreseeable economic meltdown.
Again, we will query the database and create a dataframe. But we will "normalise" the dataframe so that time is in hours since the first incident, instead of seconds since the Unix Epoch which is a huge number which blinds the curve fitting algorithm (and the matrix multiplications).
use Statistics::Covid;
use Statistics::Covid::Datum;
use Statistics::Covid::Utils;
use Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Plot::Simple;
my $covid = Statistics::Covid->new({
# no need to specify providers etc., that's only for fetching
'config-file' => 't/config-for-t.json',
'debug' => 2,
}) or die "Statistics::Covid->new() failed";
my $timelineObjs =
'conditions' => {
'datasource' => 'UK::GOVUK2',
'admin3' => 'Hackney',
'admin0' => 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland',
# create a dataframe
my $df = Statistics::Covid::Utils::datums2dataframe({
'datum-objs' => $timelineObjs,
# each unique geo-location will be a single group
'groupby' => ['admin0','admin1, 'admin2', 'admin3', 'admin4'],
# with these data in each group as an array keyed on group name
'content' => ['confirmed', 'terminal', 'datetimeUnixEpoch'],
}) or die;
#print "Before:\n".pp($df);
# discretise time-axis and insert to a new key in the dataframe
for(sort keys %$df){
my @copy = @{$df->{$_}->{'datetimeUnixEpoch'}->{'data'}};
\@copy, # << in-place modification
3600, # unit in seconds: 3600 seconds -> 1 hour discrete steps
0 # optional offset, (the 0 hour above)
# new key:
$df->{$_}->{'datetimeHoursSinceOldest'} = {'data' => \@copy};
#print "After:\n".pp($df);
# fit to a polynomial of degree 3 (max power of x is 3)
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Model::Simple::fit({
'dataframe' => $df,
'X' => 'datetimeHoursSinceOldest', # our X is this field from the dataframe
'Y' => 'confirmed', # our Y is this field
# initial values guess (here ONLY for some coefficients)
'initial-guess' => {'c1'=>1, 'c2'=>1},
'polynomial-fit' => 3, # max power of x is 3
'fit-params' => {
'maximum_iterations' => 100000
# fit to an ad-hoc formula in 'x' - it is meaningless
# (see L<Math::Symbolic::Operator> for supported operators)
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Model::Simple::fit({
'dataframe' => $df,
'X' => 'datetimeHoursSinceOldest', # our X is this field from the dataframe
'Y' => 'confirmed', # our Y is this field
# initial values guess (here ONLY for some coefficients)
'initial-guess' => {'c1'=>1, 'c2'=>1},
'formula' => 'c1*sin(x) + c2*cos(x)',
'fit-params' => {
'maximum_iterations' => 100000
# do an exponential fit
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Model::Simple::fit({
'dataframe' => $df,
'X' => 'datetimeHoursSinceOldest', # our X is this field from the dataframe
'Y' => 'confirmed', # our Y is this field
'initial-guess' => {'c1'=>1, 'c2'=>1}, # initial values guess
'exponential-fit' => 1,
'fit-params' => {
'maximum_iterations' => 100000
print "Here are models, one for each group:\n".pp($ret);
# evaluate the model at every time point
# we have a model for each group of data (remember groupby)
# e.g. for Spain
my $aY = 'confirmed'; # this is what we fitted against, our Y
for $k (keys %$ret){
# k is like 'Spain'
$model = $ret->{$k};
my @outv;
$actualdata = $df->{$k}->{$aY}->{'data'};
$timepoints = $df->{$k}->{'datetimeHoursSinceOldest'}->{'data'};
$N = scalar @$timepoints;
$t = $timepoints->[$i];
$actualv = $actualdata->[$i];
$v = $model->evaluate($t); # << evaluates the equation at $t
push @outv, $v;
$df->{$k}->{$aY}->{'fitted-exponential'} = \@outv;
# plot 'confirmed' vs 'time' AND the fitted data without
# further complications, the plotted looks for 'fitted-*'
# entries in the dataframe
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Plot::Simple::plot({
'dataframe' => $df,
'outfile' => 'confirmed-over-time.png',
'Y' => 'confirmed',
'X' => 'datetimeUnixEpoch', # secs since THE epoch
Here we will do as above but normalise the confirmed cases to the
population size (at the admin0
level, e.g. country).
use Statistics::Covid;
use Statistics::Covid::Datum;
use Statistics::Covid::Utils;
use Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Plot::Simple;
use Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData::IO;
use Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData;
my $covid = Statistics::Covid->new({
# no need to specify providers etc., that's only for fetching
'config-file' => 't/config-for-t.json',
'debug' => 2,
}) or die "Statistics::Covid->new() failed";
my $timelineObjs =
'conditions' => {
'admin0' => ['Spain', 'Italy', 'Belgium'],
# create a dataframe
my $df = Statistics::Covid::Utils::datums2dataframe({
'datum-objs' => $timelineObjs,
# each unique geo-location will be a single group
'groupby' => ['admin0'],
# with these data in each group as an array keyed on group name
'content' => ['confirmed', 'recovered', 'terminal', 'datetimeUnixEpoch'],
}) or die;
# discretise time-axis and insert to a new key in the dataframe
for(sort keys %$df){
my @copy = @{$df->{$_}->{'datetimeUnixEpoch'}->{'data'}};
\@copy, # << in-place modification
3600, # unit in seconds: 3600 seconds -> 1 hour discrete steps
0 # optional offset, (the 0 hour above)
# new key:
$df->{$_}->{'datetimeHoursSinceOldest'} = {'data' => \@copy};
#print "After:\n".pp($df);
# normalise confirmed cases over total population
# from the World Bank indicators
$WBio = Statistics::Covid::WorldbankData::IO->new({
# the params, the relevant section is
# under key 'worldbankdata'
'config-hash' => $confighash,
'debug' => 0,
}) or die "failed to construct";
$WBio->db_connect() or die "failed to connect to db (while on world bank)";
$WBobjs = $WBio->db_select({
'conditions' => {
countryname=>['Spain', 'Italy', 'Belgium'],
year=>2018, # for last years some are not defined yet
print pp($WBobjs)."\n";
my %indicators;
# population size
$indicators{'pop'} = { map { $_->get_column('countryname') => $_->get_column('SP_POP_TOTL') } @$WBobjs };
# GDP (current US$)
$indicators{'gdp'} = { map { $_->get_column('countryname') => $_->get_column('NY_GDP_MKTP_CD') } @$WBobjs };
# Current health expenditure (% of GDP)
$indicators{'health_exp'} = { map { $_->get_column('countryname') => $_->get_column('SH_XPD_CHEX_GD_ZS') } @$WBobjs };
# Hospital beds (per 1,000 people)
$indicators{'hospital_beds'} = { map { $_->get_column('countryname') => $_->get_column('SH_MED_BEDS_ZS') } @$WBobjs };
# Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
$indicators{'death_rate'} = { map { $_->get_column('countryname') => $_->get_column('SP_DYN_CDRT_IN') } @$WBobjs };
# normalise all markers (confirmed, unconfirmed etc) to the population size
# that's in-place for the data frame
for my $admin0 (sort keys %$df){
for my $aY (sort keys %{$df->{$admin0}}){
for my $anIndicator (sort keys %indicators){
my @vals = @{$df->{$admin0}->{$aY}->{'data'}};
$_ /= $indicators{$anIndicator}->{$admin0} for @vals;
# add a new entry to the dataframe
$df->{$admin0}->{$aY."-over-$anIndicator"} = {
'data' => \@vals
# fit to a polynomial of degree 3 (max power of x is 3)
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Model::Simple::fit({
'dataframe' => $df,
'X' => 'datetimeHoursSinceOldest', # our X is this field from the dataframe
'Y' => 'confirmed', # our Y is this field
# initial values guess (here ONLY for some coefficients)
'initial-guess' => {'c1'=>1, 'c2'=>1},
'polynomial-fit' => 3, # max power of x is 3
'fit-params' => {
'maximum_iterations' => 100000
# do an exponential fit
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Model::Simple::fit({
'dataframe' => $df,
'X' => 'datetimeHoursSinceOldest', # our X is this field from the dataframe
'Y' => 'confirmed', # our Y is this field
'initial-guess' => {'c1'=>1, 'c2'=>1}, # initial values guess
'exponential-fit' => 1,
'fit-params' => {
'maximum_iterations' => 100000
print "Here are models, one for each group:\n".pp($ret);
# evaluate the model at every time point
# we have a model for each group of data (remember groupby)
# e.g. for Spain
my $aY = 'confirmed'; # this is what we fitted against, our Y
for $k (keys %$ret){
# k is like 'Spain'
$model = $ret->{$k};
my @outv;
$actualdata = $df->{$k}->{$aY}->{'data'};
$timepoints = $df->{$k}->{'datetimeHoursSinceOldest'}->{'data'};
$N = scalar @$timepoints;
$t = $timepoints->[$i];
$actualv = $actualdata->[$i];
$v = $model->evaluate($t); # << evaluates the equation at $t
push @outv, $v;
$df->{$k}->{$aY}->{'fitted-exponential'} = \@outv;
# plot 'confirmed' vs 'time'
$aY = 'confirmed';
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Plot::Simple::plot({
'dataframe' => $df,
'outfile' => $aY.'-over-time.png',
'Y' => $aY,
'X' => 'datetimeUnixEpoch', # secs since THE epoch
# plot 'terminal' vs 'time'
$aY = 'confirmed';
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Plot::Simple::plot({
'dataframe' => $df,
'outfile' => $aY.'-over-time.png',
'Y' => $aY,
'X' => 'datetimeUnixEpoch', # secs since THE epoch
for my $anIndicator (sort keys %indicators){
$aY = 'confirmed-over-'.$anIndicator;
# plot 'confirmed' vs 'time'
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Plot::Simple::plot({
'dataframe' => $df,
'outfile' => $aY.'-over-time.png',
'Y' => $aY,
'X' => 'datetimeUnixEpoch', # secs since THE epoch
}) or die;
# plot 'terminal' vs 'time'
$ret = Statistics::Covid::Analysis::Plot::Simple::plot({
'dataframe' => $df,
'outfile' => $aY.'-over-time.png',
'Y' => $aY,
'X' => 'datetimeUnixEpoch', # secs since THE epoch
}) or die;
} \
--config-file config/config.json \
--no-overwrite \
--debug 1 \
--config-file config/config.json \
--outdir xx \
--fit-model exponential \
--fit-model polynomial=4 \
--group-by 'admin0' \
--search-conditions '{admin0=>["Spain", "Italy", "Belgium"]}' \
--config-file config/config.json \
--outdir xx \
--fit-model exponential \
--fit-model polynomial=4 \
--group-by 'admin0' \
--group-by 'admin3' \
--search-conditions \
'{admin0=>"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",datasource=>"UK::GOVUK2",admin3=>["Hackney", "Tower Hamlets", "Kensington and Chelsea"]}'
a script which accompanies this distribution. It can be
used to fetch any data from specified providers using a
specified configuration file.
For a quick start:
copy an example config file to your local dir from the test dir of the distribution, do not modify t/config-for-t.json as tests may fail afterwards. cp t/config-for-t.json config.json
optionally modify config.json to change the destination data dirs for example you can have undef "fileparams" "datafiles-dir": "data/files", # and under "dbparams" (if you deal with SQLite) # "dbdir" : "t/t-data/db", # now fetch data from some default data providers, # fetched data files will be placed in data/files/ (timestamped) # and a database will be created. If you are dealing with SQLite # the database will be at # t/t-data/db/covid19.sqlite script/ \ --config-file config.json
# if you do not want to save the fetched data into local files
# but only in db:
script/ \
--config-file config.json \
--nosave-to-file \
--save-to-db \
--provider 'World::JHU'
The above examples will fetch the latest data and insert it into an SQLite
database in data/db/covid19.sqlite
directory (but that
depends on the "dbdir" entry in your config file.
When this script is called again, it will fetch the data again
and will be saved into a file timestamped with publication date.
So, if data was already fetched it will be simply overwritten by
this same data.
It will also insert fetched data in the database. There are three
modes of operation for that, denoted by the replace-existing-db-record
entry in the config file (under dparams
A duplicate record means duplicate as far as the primary key(s)
are concerned and nothing else. For example, Statistics::Covid::Datum's
PK is a combination of
, id
and datetimeISO8601
(see Statistics::Covid::Datum::Table).
If two records have these 3 fields exactly the same, then they are considered
duplicate. If one record's confirmed
value is 5 and the second record's
is 10, then the second record is considered more up-to-date, newer
than the first one. See Statistics::Covid::Datum::newer_than on how to
overwrite that behaviour.
: will force replacing existing database data with new data, no questions asked about. With this option existing data may be more up-to-date than the newly fetched data, but it will be forcibly replaced. No questions asked.
: will not insert new data if duplicate exists in database. End of story. No questions asked.
: this is the preferred option. Only newer, more up-to-date data will be inserted. newer is decided by what Statistics::Covid::Datum::newer_than sub returns. With this option in your config file, calling this script, more than once will make sure you have the latest data without accummulating it redundantly either in the database or as a local file.
Please call this script AT MAXIMUM one or two times per day so as not to obstruct public resources.
When the database is up-to-date, analysis of data is the next step: plotting, fitting to analytical models, prediction, comparison.
SQLite and MySQL database types are supported through the abstraction offered by DBI and DBIx::Class.
However, only the SQLite support has been tested.
Support for MySQL is totally untested.
Andreas Hadjiprocopis, <bliako at>
, <andreashad2 at>
There are some benchmark tests to time database insertion and retrieval
performance. These are
optional and will not be run unless explicitly stated via
make bench
These tests do not hit the online data providers at all. And they should not, see ADDITIONAL TESTING for more information on this. They only time the creation of objects and insertion to the database.
Testing the DataProviders is not done because it requires
network access and hits on the providers which is not fair.
However, there are targets in the Makefile for initiating
the "network" tests by doing make network
This module has been put together very quickly and under pressure. There are must exist quite a few bugs. In addition, the database schema, the class functionality and attributes are bound to change. A migration database script may accompany new versions in order to use the data previously collected and stored.
Support for MySQL is totally untested. Please use SQLite for now or test the MySQL interface.
Support for Postgres has been somehow missed but is underway!.
This module has been put together very quickly and under pressure. There are must exist quite a few bugs.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-statistics-Covid at
, or through
the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Statistics::Covid
You can also look for information at:
github repository which will host data and alpha releases
RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
CPAN Ratings
Search CPAN
Information about the basis module DBIx::Class
- Perlmonks for supporting the world with answers and programming enlightment
- DBIx::Class
- the data providers:
- Johns Hopkins University,
- UK government,
- (for disseminating official results)
Copyright 2020 Andreas Hadjiprocopis.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at:
Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license.
If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license.
This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.
This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed.
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