This repository contains an implementation of transformer architecture that was introduced by Vaswani et al. [1]. The Transformer is a neural network architecture that has been widely used in natural language processing tasks, such as machine translation and language modeling.
The code in this repository implements the Transformer architecture using the PyTorch library. The implementation includes the core components of the Transformer, such as the multi-head self-attention mechanism and the position-wise feedforward networks.
import sys
local_x_transformers_module_path = './transformers'
if local_x_transformers_module_path not in sys.path:
from x_transformers import BaseDecoderGenerator
model = BaseDecoderGenerator(N, d_model, d_ff, vocab_size, heads, dropout, max_len)
[1] A. Vaswani et al., “Attention Is All You Need.” arXiv, Aug. 01, 2023. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1706.03762.
The code in this repository is based on the annotated version of the Transformer paper available at The Annotated Transformer. The annotated version provides a line-by-line implementation of the Transformer architecture and has been a valuable resource for understanding the details of the model.