Releases: harvester/pcidevices
Releases · harvester/pcidevices
Release v1.5.0-rc2
What's Changed
- fix: go list -m all by @FrankYang0529 in #69
- Bump golang to v1.21 by @votdev in #73
- migrate from drone ci to gh actions by @ibrokethecloud in #75
- additional vgpu validations by @ibrokethecloud in #77
- bump: kubevirt to v1.1.1 and harvester to v1.3.0 by @Yu-Jack in #76
- fix: dapper hardware use 15.5 instead of 15.4 by @Yu-Jack in #79
- Feat: add USB Passthrough by @Yu-Jack in #78
- bump to go v1.22 by @ibrokethecloud in #82
- README: add usbdevice related content [skip ci] by @Yu-Jack in #83
- README: add more limitation about usb device [CI SKIP] by @Yu-Jack in #85
- fix(usbdevice): close closed channel exception by @Yu-Jack in #86
- convert sriov device name objects to lowercase by @ibrokethecloud in #88
- fix: userName should be in spec instead of status by @Yu-Jack in #89
- update container image to use bci 15.6 as base image by @ibrokethecloud in #92
- initial work to reconcile devices from launcher pods by @ibrokethecloud in #91
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.4.0
feat: bump SLE to 15.5 Signed-off-by: PoAn Yang <[email protected]>
update go mod
update go mod