Monorepo of all web components built as part of the HAX ecosystem, many working stand-alone.
The authoring experience of HAX and the ability to make fast, static file backed websites rapidly. Get all the details you want on HAX docs! HAX seeks to be the smallest possible back-end CMS to make HAX work and be able to build websites with it. Leveraging JSON Outline Schema, HAX is able to author multiple pages, which it then writes onto the file system. This way a slim server layer is just for basic authentication, knowing how to save files, and placing them in version control.
Watch and Learn more about HAX here:
- Try Hax:
- HAXCellence
- Youtube channel -
- Discord Channel -
- Unified issue queue -
- Using Merlin directly in any HAX spaces and type "Issue" to jump start a report!
Web components that can work in just about anything, are very small (Vanila or Lit based) and have full on authoring solutions if you dig deeper; Enjoy!
Notice: You will need to use Node version 6.0 or higher. Verify that you have yarn enabled — if not install yarn globally. These web components are written in ES6 and build routines compile to es5 to encompass legacy browsers.
curl -fsSL -o && sh
git clone
cd webcomponents
npm install --global @haxtheweb/create
yarn global add lerna
yarn global add web-component-analyzer
yarn install
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git pull
Git bash should already be installed on your Windows machine and can be found by searching through your computer's applications or by right-clicking anywhere inside of the File Explorer. Cygwin command line is lightly tested, but slower than a true Bash environment.
To properly configure git endlines for Windows, run this configuration
git config --global core.autocrlf true
git clone
cd webcomponents
npm install --global @haxtheweb/create
yarn global add lerna
yarn global add web-component-analyzer
yarn install
cd elements/ELEMENTNAME
yarn start
Edit files in lib/
, src/
, locales/
and demo/
in order to modify the element to contribute back to us via PR.
hax webcomponent my-element --y
- Run HAX CLI to create a new web component
yarn test
- Run tests on ALL webcomponents.
yarn run build
- Run build on ALL webcomponents.
yarn run storybook
- Run storybook
yarn run build-storybook
- Build storybook for deployment
lerna publish
- Publish ALL webcomponents' elements to
lerna run build --no-bail
- Run
command in all projects in the repo, don't bail if there's an issue
- Run
Because this is a monorepo, each web component will need to be independently built in order to actively work on and preview the changes. Every web component has its own Gulp file and Yarn/NPM script.
While still running yarn start
in one terminal window (which runs the local server), you will need to open another terminal window, drill into the directory of the web component you'd like to work on, and execute the yarn run dev
command. This command will use gulp tasks to watch the files within that web component directory and will automatically re-run the build command and refresh the browser when you make changes to the web component.
Run hax webcomponent
to make a new element. Go to the new element following the directions generated at the end of the element's creation. To work on the new-element run yarn start
from it's directory. If you are pulling in another element to use, run yarn add projectname --save
or edit the package.json
file local to the element you are working on. ALWAYS INSTALL FROM THE REPO ROOT, NOT THE ELEMENT YOU ARE WORKING ON
cd /Sites/webcomponents
yarn start
# SHIFT + CTRL + T to open a new tab in Terminal
cd elements your-card # or any other web component
yarn run dev
Make a change to the web component and save. The gulpfile will handle transpiling the element down to ES5 and will bring in the HTML and Sass into the template in the web component.
To test all webcomponents, run yarn test
from the root of the repo. If you only want to test the web component you're working on:
cd elements/your-card
yarn test
Also, if your tests are failing and you want access to a live browser to investigate why, the following flag will keep the browser open.
yarn test -- -p
Then open the URL that will be printed in the terminal. It looks something like this: http://localhost:8081/components/@@haxtheweb/haxtheweb/generated-index.html?cli_browser_id=0
We've added Storybook to webcomponents as a way to preview our web components as they are being developed. We'll also use Storybook to export a static site that will be the demo site for webcomponents.
To run storybook
yarn run storybook
This will start a web server on port 9001. Navigate in your browser to http://localhost:9001
to see Storybook in action. Storybook will watch for file changes and reload the browser automatically for you. This is a little slow at the moment, but we'll look into speeding this up.
To export the storybook static site
yarn run build-storybook
This places a build of the storybook site in the .storybook_out directory.
For any web component that has a third-party dependency you will need to update the /.storybook/webpack.config.js
file. You will need to create an alias for your depedency.
For example:
"../../whatwg-fetch/fetch.js": path.join( // this is the third-party dependency in the webcomponents
"../node_modules/whatwg-fetch/fetch.js" // this is where it lives in node_modules
Client: JavaScript, LitElement, Lit(
Server: Node.js
Contributions are always welcome!
Past contributors, student and larger community, can be found here: