This is an example of the expected "Buttons JSON" property. In here you must specify the key, label, icon name (iconName), background color (bgColor), color.
Also if needed, you can set a specific button to be disabled (isDisabled). If not specified, the buttons will be disabled only when the control is set to "Read-Only".
"label":"Create Account",
"label":"Create Lead",
"label":"Create Oportunity",
When the button is clicked the key is saved within the linked attribute and to handle the button click, just add an onChange event on this field and handle it based on the returned key value.
function onQuickActionClicked(executionContext) {
const formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
const buttonClicked = formContext.getAttribute("nl_quickactions")?.getValue();
switch(buttonClicked) {
case "account":
case "lead":
case "opportunity":
To find more icons, you can follow
In order to deploy to your environment you'll need to run this commands:
pac auth create --url
2. If you have previously created an authentication profile, you can view all the existing profiles using the pac auth list command
pac auth list
3. To switch between the previously created authentication profiles, use the pac auth select command:
pac auth select --index <index of the active profile>
pac pcf push -pp <your publisher prefix>