It's a simple 'Message exchange framework' which is aimed to exchange messages. The framework consists of two modules:
- HTTP server
- HTTP client
HTTP server is used to receive and store text messages internally in queues and send them back to clients upon request. HTTP client is used to send text messages to server and print text messages retrieved from the server using command line API with POST/GET request based implementation.
Both modules implemented as command line interfaces.
The framework contains also an automation test suite covering functional requirements.
NOTE: the framework works with python 3 and requires it to be installed.
To run server use the below command:
$ python
By default it runs on localhost:8080.
To get help on using the server use the command:
$ python -h
To run client use the below command:
$ python client <method> <options>
To get help on using the client use the command:
$ python -h
Let's say we need to add a message to a queue. Open a terminal window and run the server:
$ python
Then open new terminal window, add a new message using post command (you should see [done] message when posted):
$ python post -m hello
To retrieve a message back from queue use get command (you should see a message returned):
$ python get
You can post and get messages using different queue aliases like below:
$ python post -m message1 -q 1
python post -m message2 -q 10
python get -q 1
python get -q 10
To run automation test suite use the command below:
$ python -m unittest tests.test_module_name
where test_module_name it's a file *.py name within tests package
NOTE: start the server before running tests