Peegee aims to bring better support for PostgreSQL to ActiveRecord. Peegee is under active development.
Peegee adds support for some indexing extensions allowed by Postgres. You can run these in your migrations.
add_index :users, :column, :where => 'active = true'
add_index :users, :name => 'users_created_at_date' do |i|
i.expression 'DATE(created_at)'
add_index :users, :name => 'users_created_at_date' do |i|
i.column :name, :asc
i.column :active, :desc
add_index :users, :name, :name => 'users_name', :concurrently => true
Note that this cannot run inside of a transaction. This will commit your running transaction, add the index concurrently, and start a new transaction. Use with caution.
Peegee is distributed under the MIT license.
Copyright 2011 - Harold Giménez and Mike Burns