MULLS is an efficient, low-drift, and versatile LiDAR-only SLAM system with both the front-end and back-end. It's an overall updated version of LLS-LOAM.
[Demo Video], [KITTI Leaderboard], [Preprint Paper], [Project Wiki]
Codes are currently under reproducing for better readability and performance.
For a compiler that supports OpenMP
- For *.las data IO: LibLas
- For *.h5 data IO: HDF5
- For geo-coordinate projection for global mapping: Proj4
- For Lie-Group and Lie-Algebra related functions (only used in baseline registration method vgicp): Sophus
- For 2D map, scan range image and BEV image generation: OpenCV
- For pose graph optimization: g2o(<=2016version)
- or ceres
- or gtsam
- For global registration using truncated least square: TEASER++
You may run the following shell file to install all the dependent libs (tested on Ubuntu 16.04):
sh script/tools/
Note: ceres, g2o and gtsam are all used for pose graph optimization. You only need to install one of them (ceres is recommended).
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..
If you'd like to configure the optional dependent libs needed by your task, you can directly switch the options in CMakeLists.txt
and then rebuild (delete the build
folder and do 2.Compile
again) or use ccmake ..
in build
folder instead.
Download the KITTI Odometry Dataset to test the project.
To test the semantic mask aided solution, please download the Semantic KITTI Odometry Dataset.
The complete data folder structure should be as following:
Base Folder
|___velodyne [raw data *.bin]
|___pcd [*.pcd]
|___labels [raw semantic label *.label] (optional for semantic aided lidar odometry)
|___label_pcd [*.pcd] (optional for semantic aided lidar odometry)
|___00.txt [ground truth (gnssins) pose] (optional for evaluation)
|___calib.txt [extrinsic transformation matrix (from body to lidar coordinate system)] (optional for evaluation)
Scripts for converting the data format are available in ./script/tool/
You can use script/tools/
to convert *.bin
to *.pcd
to get the pcd
Similarly, you can use script/tools/
to convert *.label
to *.pcd
to get the label_pcd
If you'd like to use your own data, the data format should be one of the following: *.pcd
, *.ply
, *.txt
, *.las
, *.csv
, *.h5
You can simply specify the data format in script/
The data foler structure can be as simple as follows:
Base Folder
. |___00001.pcd (las,txt,ply,h5,csv...)
. |___00002.pcd (las,txt,ply,h5,csv...)
. |___...
|___dummy_ground_truth_trajectory.txt (optional)
|___dummy_calibration_file.txt (optional)
To feed your data into MULLS in order, your point clouds' filename should also in the same order. You can use script/tools/
to rename filenames from something like 1.pcd
to 00001.pcd
in batch.
Links to more open datasets are available here.
If you'd like to test the LiDAR SLAM module (MULLS-SLAM), please edit the script/
file, specify the data path and then run:
sh script/
If the visualization is enabled, then you can configure the visualization GUI by following the instructions here.
For better performance on a specific dataset, you are suggested to play with the parameters in script/config/lo_gflag_list_[xxx].txt
(tips on parameter tuning are available here), and then you need to change the config file path in script/
as follows:
To disable or enable the back-end (loop closure detection and pose graph optimization), you can edit the --loop_closure_detection_on=true/false
in the config file.
After the transaction, you are expected to find the results (plots, poses, evaluation results, generated 3D and 2D map ...) in the result
folder under the data path.
You can use script/
to test the pairwise point cloud registration using MULLS-ICP with TEASER++ simply by configuring the data path in it. Then you can run it by:
sh script/
If you have any questions, please let me know:
Yue Pan {[email protected]}
Code reproducing
Add preprint paper
Add Wiki
Add ROS support
Add cross-platform support (run on windows)
Add sensor fusion module
Test on more dataset