This is a tool to decrypt Synology Cloud Sync encrypted files. This repository is at a very early POC stage.
I have a DS218+ and Microsoft is my new boss. This project is a playground of .Net.
A console application is released to prove it works.
- Download the executable release. It is a single window x86 executable, without the prerequisite of .Net installation.
- Place the in the same directory as SimpleCLI-x86.exe
- Drag the encrypted files and drop them on SimpleCLI-x86.exe
- SimpleCLI-x86.exe will create a directory output in the same directory as itself and write the decrypted files into it.
- Known limitation: this application is a POC, the unit test coverage is literally zero. But it should be safe to use. The file is hashed to compare with the md5 stored in the meta.
This project is a remake of marnix/synology-decrypt. Many thanks to marnix ] who is the guy who did the reverse engineering.
Implement file hashApply stream to read and process file dataImplement a ringbuffer to copy between streams- Apply async for io, the decrypting speed can reach 400MB/s, I have no idea if this async optimization is necessary.
- Implement Azure source connector
- Implement S3 source connector
- Implement WPF UX
- Apply Reactive