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core: Refactor forces a bit
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Junber committed Jul 28, 2021
1 parent 05ffc5e commit 56dbe3f
Showing 1 changed file with 32 additions and 13 deletions.
45 changes: 32 additions & 13 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,28 +48,33 @@ SBForceMoveDecorator >> additionalForces: anObject [
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
SBForceMoveDecorator >> applyForces [

| newSpeedMultiplier |
| newSpeedMultiplier forceVelocity |
self isPinned ifTrue: [^ self morph position: self pinnedPosition].
self isDragging ifTrue: [^ self].

idealPosition ifNil: [idealPosition := self morph position].

velocity := 0 @ 0.
self additionalForces do: [:forceConnection | velocity := velocity + (forceConnection forceFor: self morph)].
velocity isZero ifFalse: [velocity := velocity normalized * velocity r sqrt].
forceVelocity := 0 @ 0.
self additionalForces do: [:forceConnection | forceVelocity := forceVelocity + (forceConnection forceFor: self morph)].
forceVelocity isZero ifFalse: [forceVelocity := forceVelocity normalized * forceVelocity r sqrt].

self morph owner submorphsDo: [:otherMorph | (otherMorph isSandblock and: [otherMorph preventOcclusion and: [otherMorph ~= self morph and: [otherMorph isDragging not]]]) ifTrue: [velocity := velocity + (self forceAgainst: otherMorph)]].
self morph owner submorphsDo: [:otherMorph | (otherMorph isSandblock and: [otherMorph preventOcclusion and: [otherMorph ~= self morph and: [otherMorph isDragging not]]]) ifTrue: [forceVelocity := forceVelocity + (self forceAgainst: otherMorph)]].

newSpeedMultiplier := self speedMultiplier * (self changedDirection ifTrue: [0.25] ifFalse: [1.1]).
newSpeedMultiplier := self speedMultiplier * ((self changedDirection: forceVelocity) ifTrue: [0.25] ifFalse: [1.1]).
self speedMultiplier: (newSpeedMultiplier clampLow: 0.01 high: 0.5).

(velocity r < 0.5 or: [self speedMultiplier <= 0.01]) ifFalse: [idealPosition := self morph position + (velocity * self speedMultiplier)].
self previousVelocity: velocity.
self morph position: idealPosition.
(forceVelocity r < 2.0 or: [self speedMultiplier <= 0.01]) ifFalse: [idealPosition := idealPosition + (forceVelocity * self speedMultiplier)].
self previousVelocity: forceVelocity.
velocity := 0 @ 0.
forceSteps := forceSteps - 1

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
SBForceMoveDecorator >> applyIdealPosition [

self morph position: self idealPosition

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
SBForceMoveDecorator >> attached: aMorph [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,11 +103,25 @@ SBForceMoveDecorator >> blockAtPoint: aPoint [

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
SBForceMoveDecorator >> changedDirection [
SBForceMoveDecorator >> changedDirection: aVelocity [

^ velocity isZero or:
^ aVelocity isZero or:
[self previousVelocity isZero] or:
[(velocity angleWith: self previousVelocity) between: Float pi * 0.5 and: Float pi * 1.5]
[(aVelocity angleWith: self previousVelocity) between: Float pi * 0.5 and: Float pi * 1.5]

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
SBForceMoveDecorator >> coordinateForces [

| decorators |
decorators := Array streamContents: [:stream |
self morph owner submorphsDo: [:aMorph | aMorph isSandblock ifTrue: [aMorph withDecorator: SBForceMoveDecorator do: [:decorator | stream nextPut: decorator] ifAbsent: []]]

50 timesRepeat: [
decorators do: [:decorator | decorator applyForces].
decorators do: [:decorator | decorator applyIdealPosition]

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,7 +446,7 @@ SBForceMoveDecorator >> step [
self isDragging ifTrue: [self panWhenNearEdge].

(forceSteps > 0 or: self morph sandblockEditor keepForcesActivated)
ifTrue: [self isForceCoordinator ifTrue: [50 timesRepeat: [self morph owner submorphsDo: [:aMorph | aMorph isSandblock ifTrue: [aMorph withDecorator: SBForceMoveDecorator do: [:decorator | decorator applyForces]]]]]]
ifTrue: [self isForceCoordinator ifTrue: [self coordinateForces]]
ifFalse: [
super step.
idealPosition := self morph position]
Expand Down

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