- Machine learning and artificial neural networks
- Nonlinear systems and dynamics networks
- Synchronization of coupled oscillators
- Pattern recognition
- Digital signal processing
Ph.D. at Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo
- advisor: Prof. Dr. Emilio Del Moral Hernandez
- dissertation: Spike patterns and computation in dynamical neural networks
- from mar/2007 to mar/2012
Ph.D. Internship at Max Planck Institute für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation
- advisor: Prof. Dr. Marc Timme
- from aug/2009 to sep/2010
M.Sc. at Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo
- advisor: Prof. Dr. Marco Túlio Carvalho de Andrade
- dissertation: Nonlinear time series prediction using neuro-fuzzy architecture systems
- from feb/2003 to jun/2006
B.Sc. at Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial
- from feb/1999 to dec/2002
Supported by:
CNPq under grant number 140632/2007-7
- from sep/2010 to feb/2011
- from mar/2007 to dec/2009
Pró-Reitoria da Pós-Graduação da USP
- aug/2009 and dec/2009 (GRU <-> FRA)
Max Planck Institute - Networks Dynamics Group
- from aug/2009 to nov/2009 (accommodation in Goettingen)
José Humberto Sandmann - my father
- from aug/2009 to dec/2009 (German language classes/exams)
CAPES under grant number BEX 4076-09-5
- from jan/2010 to ago/2010 (Ph.D. internship at MPI)
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Member #60216475 -
INNS - International Neural Network Society
Student member #3951
Insper Learning Institution
Undergraduate courses | |
Software Design | 2019 - now |
Foundations for Physical Communication | 2018 |
Undergraduate courses | |
Artificial Intelligence and Society | 2019 - now |
Artificial Intelligence for Marketing | 2019 - now |
Enterprise Environment: computer architectures and operating systems | 2014 - now |
Data Structure and Algorithms - DSA | 2017 |
Undergraduate courses | |
Basics of Robotics | 2016 |
Object-Oriented Programming | 2016 |
Data Structures and Algorithms - DSA | 2016 |
MBA courses | |
NoSQL and Big Data: MongoDB, SparQL, Neo4j, Solr, Hive, Hadoop | 2014 - 2015 |
Undergraduate courses | |
Distributed Systems | 2015 |
Data Structures and Techniques for Algorithms II - DSA | 2013 |
Algorithms | 2012 - 2013 |
Advanced Programming Techniques for Java | 2012 |
Database I - Oracle | 2012 - 2013 |
Database II - Oracle | 2012 - 2013 |
Toledo Prudente
Graduate courses | |
MBA course on big data and machine learning | 2015 |
Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul
Undergraduate courses | |
Programming for Mobile - Android | 2012 |
Computer Architectures | 2012 |
Software Engineering | 2012 |
Database II - Oracle | 2012 - 2013 |
Languages and Techniques for Programming | 2012 |
Universidade Nove de Julho
Undergraduate courses | |
Algorithms for Engineering | 2011 |
Computer Architectures | 2011 |
Programming for Internet | 2011 |
Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo
Undergraduate courses | ||
PSI 2672 | Experimental Pattern Recognition, Modeling and Neurocomputing | 2011* |
PSI 2533 | Modeling for Signal Processing: Neural Networks and Learning | 2009, 2008* |
PCS 2302 | Laboratory of the Foundations of Computing Engineering | 2008† |
† grants from FAPESP
Curriculum Lattes
Mendeley's Profile
- Sven Boekhoff{:target='_blank'}
- Mirko Lukovic{:target='_blank'}
- Erik Martens{:target='_blank'}
- Nicolau Werneck{:target='_blank'}
- Christian Bick{:target='_blank'}
- Tatjana Tchumatchenko{:target='_blank'}
Attracting Fixed Conferences
- Dynamics Days{:target='_blank'}
- IJCNN - International Joint Conference on Neural Networks{:target='_blank'}
- NIPS - Neural Information Processing Systems{:target='_blank'}