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Huawei Cloud C++ Software Development Kit (C++ SDK)

The Huawei Cloud C++ SDK allows you to easily work with Huawei Cloud services such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS) and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) without the need to handle API related tasks.

This document introduces how to obtain and use Huawei Cloud C++ SDK.


  • To use Huawei Cloud C++ SDK, you must have Huawei Cloud account as well as the Access Key (AK) and Secret key (SK) of the Huawei Cloud account. You can create an Access Key in the Huawei Cloud console. For more information, see My Credentials.

  • To use Huawei Cloud C++ SDK to access the APIs of specific service, please make sure you do have activated the service in Huawei Cloud console if needed.

  • Huawei Cloud C++ SDK requires C++ 14 or later, and requires CMake 3.10 or later.

Install C++ SDK

You can get the SDK version information through SDK center or Github Releases.

Dependent Third-Party Libraries

curl, boost, cpprestsdk, spdlog, openssl

Install SDK on Linux platform

Step 1: Install third-party libraries

The required third-party packages are available in great part of package management tools of different OS.

Take Debian/Ubuntu system for example, you could run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libcpprest-dev

spdlog is able to installed by source code only:

git clone
cd spdlog
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON ..  // for shared library
sudo make install

For services that use BSON (kvs), install libbson and configure LIBBSON_INCLUDE_DIRS and LIBBSON_LIBRARY_DIRS to specify the header file path and library file path, respectively.

sudo apt-get install libbson-1.0

Step 2: Build and install SDK

git clone
cd huaweicloud-sdk-cpp-v3
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

After the preceding commands completed, the installation directory of C++ SDK is /usr/local.

Install SDK on Windows platform

Step 1: Install vcpkg and install third-part libraries by vcpkg:

vcpkg install curl cpprestsdk boost openssl spdlog

For services that use BSON (kvs), install libbson and configure LIBBSON_DIR to specify libbson root path.

vcpkg install libbson

Step 2: Build By CLion

  1. open directory huaweicloud-sdk-cpp-v3 by clion

  2. choose File -> Settings

  3. choose Build, Execution, Devloyment -> CMake

  4. add -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={your vcpkg install dir}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake in CMake options

  5. click CMakeLists.txt and choose Load CMake Project

  6. Configure compilation toolchain of clion as MSVC: Select Toolchain as Visual Studio on the CMake configuration page in step 3, and you cannot select other compilers such as mingw (the windows platform relies on the msvc compiler, Compiling with other compilers such as mingw will report an error). In addition, the user can also choose whether the compiled binary file is in Debug mode or Release mode, and select Build Type to make a drop-down selection.

  7. Configure the architecture and platform of the target file: the windows platform supports compiling sdk link library files of different CPU architectures (x64, x86), users can configure according to actual needs, click Build, Execution, DeploymentToolchains, in the Architecture option, you can drop down to select the supported CPU architecture.

  8. choose Build and start compile

Step 3: Install C++ SDK

choose Build -> Install after compilation.

After the preceding commands completed, the installation directory of C++ SDK is C:\Program File (x86)\huaweicloud-sdk-cpp-v3.

Code example

  • The following example shows how to query a list of VPC in a specific region, you need to substitute your real {Service}Client for VpcClient in actual use.

    • Hard-coding ak and sk for authentication into the code or storing it in plain text has a great security risk. It is recommended to store the ciphertext in the profile or environment variables and decrypt it when used to ensure security.
  • In this example, ak and sk are stored in environment variables. Please configure the environment variables HUAWEICLOUD_SDK_AK and HUAWEICLOUD_SDK_SK before running this example.

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <huaweicloud/core/exception/Exceptions.h>
#include <huaweicloud/core/Client.h>
#include <huaweicloud/vpc/v2/VpcClient.h>

using namespace HuaweiCloud::Sdk;
using namespace HuaweiCloud::Sdk::Core;
using namespace HuaweiCloud::Sdk::Core::Exception;

int main(void)
    //Do not hard-code authentication information into the code, as this may pose a security risk
    //Authentication can be configured through environment variables and other methods. Please refer to Chapter 2.4 Authentication Management 
    std::string ak;
    std::string sk;
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_MSC_VER)
    ak = getenv("HUAWEICLOUD_SDK_AK");
    sk = getenv("HUAWEICLOUD_SDK_SK");    
#elif defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__)
    char* envVar; 
    #define INIT_ENV_VAR(ID, NAME)               \
    do {                                     \
        if (envVar = secure_getenv(#NAME)) { \
            ID = std::string(envVar);        \
        }                                    \
    } while (0)
    #undef INIT_ENV_VAR
    // Initialize AK/SK module
    auto basicCredentials = std::make_unique<BasicCredentials>();
            .withProjectId("{your project id}");
    // Initialize HTTP config
    HttpConfig httpConfig = HttpConfig();
    // Configure VpcClient instance
    std::unique_ptr<Vpc::V2::VpcClient> vpcApi_v2 = Vpc::V2::VpcClient::newBuilder()
            .withEndPoint("{your endpoint}")

    // Initialize request parameters
    Vpc::V2::Model::ListVpcsRequest listRequest;
    try {
        std::string stringValue;
        // Creat an API request and get response
        std::cout << "************ListVpc***********" << std::endl;
        std::shared_ptr<Vpc::V2::Model::ListVpcsResponse> listRes = 
        stringValue = listRes->getHttpBody();
        std::cout << stringValue << std::endl;
    } catch (HostUnreachableException& e) { // handle exception
        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
    } catch (SslHandShakeException& e) {
        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
    } catch (RetryOutageException& e) {
        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
    } catch (CallTimeoutException& e) {
        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
    } catch (ServiceResponseException& e) {
        std::cout << "StatusCode: " << e.getStatusCode() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "ErrorCode: " << e.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "ErrorMsg: " << e.getErrorMsg() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "RequestId: " << e.getRequestId() << std::endl;
    return 0;

If you want to run the example on Linux platform, please copy commands above and save as vpc_test.cpp, then build with the following command:

$ g++ -o vpc_test vpc_test.cpp --std=c++14 -lvpc_v2 -lcore -lcrypto -lboost_system -lcpprest
$ ./vpc_test
# response

If you use cmake to manage projects under Windows, you need to introduce the relevant dependencies of the sdk core package and service package in CMakeLists.txt. You can refer to the following CMakeLists.txt file:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
find_package(CURL REQUIRED)

set(LINK_DIR "C:/Program Files (x86)/huaweicloud_cpp_sdk_v3/bin;")
set(BIN_DIR "C:/Program Files (x86)/huaweicloud_cpp_sdk_v3/lib;")
set(SERVICE_DIR "C:/Program Files (x86)/huaweicloud_cpp_sdk_v3/include;")


add_executable(demo main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(demo PUBLIC core vpc_v2)

Online Debugging

API Explorer provides api retrieval, SDK samples and online debugging, supports full fast retrieval, visual debugging, help document viewing, and online consultation.


Detailed changes for each released version are documented in the

User Manual 🔝

1. Client Configuration 🔝

1.1 Default Configuration 🔝

// Use default configuration
HttpConfig httpConfig = HttpConfig();

1.2 Network Proxy 🔝

// Use network proxy if needed
// In this example, username and password are stored in environment variables. Please configure the environment variables PROXY_USERNAME and PROXY_PASSWORD before running this example.

1.3 Timeout Configuration 🔝

// The default connection timeout is 60 seconds, the default read timeout is 120 seconds. You could change it if needed.

1.4 SSL Certification 🔝

// Skip SSL certification checking while using https protocol if needed

2. Credentials Configuration 🔝

There are two types of Huawei Cloud services, regional services and global services.

Global services only contain IAM.

For regional services' authentication, project_id is required.

For global services' authentication, domain_id is required.

Parameter description:

  • ak is the access key ID for your account.
  • sk is the secret access key for your account.
  • project_id is the ID of your project depending on your region which you want to operate.
  • domain_id is the account ID of Huawei Cloud.
  • security_token is the security token when using temporary AK/SK.

2.1 Use Permanent AK&SK 🔝

// Regional services
auto basicCredentials = std::make_unique<BasicCredentials>(); 

// Global services
auto globalCredentials = std::make_unique<GlobalCredentials>();


  • projectId/domainId supports automatic acquisition in version 0.0.26-beta or later, if you want to use this feature, you need to provide the ak and sk of your account and the id of the region, and then build your client instance with method WithRegion(), detailed example could refer to 3.2 Initialize client with specified Region

2.2 Use Temporary AK&SK 🔝

It's required to obtain temporary AK&SK and security token first, which could be obtained through permanent AK&SK or through an agency.

// Regional services
auto basicCredentials = std::make_unique<BasicCredentials>(); 

// Global services
auto globalCredentials = std::make_unique<GlobalCredentials>();

3. Client Initialization 🔝

3.1 Initialize the {Service}Client with specified Endpoint 🔝

// Initialize specified service client instance, take VpcClient for example
std::unique_ptr<Vpc::V2::VpcClient> vpcApi_v2 = Vpc::V2::VpcClient::newBuilder()


  • endpoint varies by services and regions, see Regions and Endpoints to obtain correct endpoint.
  • When you meet some trouble in getting projectId using the specified region way, you could use this way instead.

3.2 Initialize the {Service}Client with specified Region (Recommended) 🔝

  • Region Services
// add dependency for the {{Service}}Region
#include <huaweicloud/ecs/v2/EcsRegion.h>
using namespace HuaweiCloud::Sdk::Ecs::V2;

//  Initialize the credentials, projectId or domainId could be unassigned in this situation, take initializing BasicCredentials for example
auto auth = std::make_unique<BasicCredentials>();
// Initialize specified New{Service}Client, take initializing the region service ECS for example
auto client = EcsClient::newBuilder()
                .withFileLog(R"(.\log.txt)", true)
  • Global Services
// add dependency for the {{Service}}Region
#include <huaweicloud/devstar/v1/DevstarRegion.h>
#include <huaweicloud/devstar/v1/DevstarClient.h>
using namespace HuaweiCloud::Sdk::Devstar::V1;

auto auth = std::make_unique<GlobalCredentials>();

// Initialize the credentials, projectId or domainId could be unassigned in this situation, take initializing GlobalCredentials for example
auto client = DevStarClient::newBuilder()
            .withFileLog(R"(.\log.txt)", true)


  • If you use region to initialize {Service}Client, projectId/domainId supports automatic acquisition, you don't need to configure it when initializing Credentials.
  • Multiple ProjectId situation is not supported.
  • Supported region list: af-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, cn-east-2, cn-east-3, cn-north-1, cn-north-4, cn-south-1, cn-southwest-2, ru-northwest-2. You may get exception such as Unsupported regionId if your region don't in the list above.

Comparison of the two ways:

Initialization Advantages Disadvantage
Specified Endpoint The API can be invoked successfully once it has been published in the environment. You need to prepare projectId and endpoint yourself.
Specified Region No need for projectId and endpoint, it supports automatic acquisition if you configure it in the right way. The supported services and regions are limited.

4. Send Requests and Handle Responses 🔝

// Initialize request
Vpc::V2::Model::ListVpcsRequest listRequest;
std::shared_ptr<Vpc::V2::Model::ListVpcsResponse> listRes = vpcApi->listVpcs(listRequest);
std::string responseBody = listRes->getHttpBody();
std::cout << stringValue << std::endl;

4.1 Exceptions 🔝

Level 1 Notice Level 2 Notice
ConnectionException Connection error HostUnreachableException Host is not reachable
SslHandShakeException SSL certification error
RequestTimeoutException Request timeout CallTimeoutException timeout for single request
RetryOutageException no response after retrying
ServiceResponseException service response error ServerResponseException server inner error, http status code: [500,]
ClientRequestException invalid request, http status code: [400? 500)
// handle exceptions
try {
    std::shared_ptr<Vpc::V2::Model::ListVpcsResponse> listRes = 
    std::string responseBody = listRes->getHttpBody();
    std::cout << stringValue << std::endl;
} catch (HostUnreachableException& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
} catch (SslHandShakeException& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
} catch (RetryQutageException& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
} catch (CallTimeoutException& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
} catch (ServiceResponseException& e) {
    std::cout << "StatusCode: " << e.getStatusCode() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorCode: " << e.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorMsg: " << e.getErrorMsg() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "RequestId: " << e.getRequestId() << std::endl;

5. Use Asynchronous Client 🔝

// use c++ std::async
#include <future>
auto future = std::async(std::launch::async,
                        &Vpc::V2::VpcClient::listVpcs, vpcApi, listRequest);
auto listResponse = future.get();

6. Troubleshooting 🔝

SDK supports Access log which could be configured manually.

6.1 Access Log 🔝

SDK supports print access log which could be enabled by manual configuration, the log could be output to the console or specified files.

For example:

// Initialize specified service client instance, take VpcClient for example
std::unique_ptr<Vpc::V2::VpcClient> vpcApi_v2 = Vpc::V2::VpcClient::newBuilder()
    .withFileLog(R"(.\log.txt)", true)


  • withFileLogger:
    • logPath means log file path.
    • enable means file log is enabled.
  • withStreamLogger:
    • enable means console log is enabled.

After enabled log, the SDK will print the access log by default, every request will be recorded to the console like:

[2020-10-16 03:10:29][INFO] "GET"  200 244 7a68399eb8ed63fc91018426a7c4b8a0

The format of access log is:

"{httpMethod} {uri}" {httpStatusCode} {responseContentLength} {requestId}

7. Set CMakeLists.txt 🔝

  • If you want to use one service, you could configure like this:

  • If you want to use multiple services, you could configure like this:
  • For services that use BSON (kvs), set ENABLE_BSON to ON. ENABLE_BSON is set to OFF by default.
# For services that use BSON, set ENABLE_BSON to ON. ENABLE_BSON is set to OFF by default.
option(ENABLE_BSON "Enable bson library" ON)


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