Pgadmin4 on Alpine without postgresql-client and docs. Will by default run in desktop mode (no multi-user or authentication). Set VAR_param_SERVER_MODE="True" to run in server mode. I recommend putting VAR_param_SQLITE_PATH on persistent storage. Listens on port 5050 internally (expose externally as you wish at runtime, f ex. -p 80:5050 ).
* 20181204: Pgadmin4 3.6, Python 3.6, Alpine edge.
* py3-20190220: Pgadmin4 4.2, Python 3.6, Alpine edge.
* py2-20190220: Pgadmin4 4.2, Python 2.7, Alpine edge.
- VAR_LINUX_USER (postgres)
- VAR_CONFIG_FILE (/etc/pgadmin/
- VAR_THREADS (1): Number of threads used (by Gunicorn).
- VAR_FINAL_COMMAND ($gunicornCmdArgs gunicorn pgAdmin4:app)
- VAR_param_SERVER_MODE (False)
- VAR_param_LOG_FILE ('/var/log/pgadmin')
- VAR_param_FILE_LOG_LEVEL (0)
- VAR_param_SQLITE_PATH ('/pgdata/sqlite/pgadmin4.db')
- VAR_param_SESSION_DB_PATH ('/pgdata/sessions')
- VAR_param_STORAGE_DIR ('/pgdata/storage')
- VAR_ARGON2_PARAMS (-r): Custom password encryption parameters, if VAR_ENCRYPT_PW="yes".
- VAR_SALT_FILE (/proc/sys/kernel/hostname): Password encryption salt, if VAR_ENCRYPT_PW="yes".
- VAR_param_<parameter name>: For Pgadmin4 parameters.
- VAR_ENABLE_TLS: Set to "True" to use ssl.
- VAR_SSL_KEYFILE: Path to key file. Needed if VAR_ENABLE_TLS is set to True.
- VAR_SSL_CERTFILE: Path to cert file. Needed if VAR_ENABLE_TLS is set to True.
- VAR_email_server: Set initial login email during server mode initialization.
- VAR_password_server: Set initial login password during server mode initialization.
- VAR_password_file_server
- VAR_ENCRYPT_PW: Set to "yes" to create a hashed password with Argon2.
Can drop all but SETPCAP, SETGID and SETUID.