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Brief Introduction

  1. Automatically compatible with YCM, can be an extension for YCM.
  2. Fluent completion.
  3. Written in Python3.
  4. Fuzzy-find support like YCM.
  5. Buildin LSP.
  6. Out of the box.
  7. Easily to use.

Screenshots of ECY -->>>>

How to install


  1. Python >= 3.0 with standard library.
    strongly recommend to use python3.6+
    How to get python support for vim?
  2. Vim >= 8.0 with timer and job .
    strongly recommend to use the newest one(Vim 8.2).


Options 1 (recommend):

Using some Plugin-manager like vim-plug or Vunble:
Put the line into your vimrc, then install it.

For vim-plug:

Plug 'hy172574895/EasyCompleteYou'

For Vunble:

Plugin 'hy172574895/EasyCompleteYou'

For Someone in fucking China. A mirror.

Plug ''

Options 2:

Download the whole repository and put it into vim's runtimepath.

Options 3:

Still confusing with installation? Check here for detail infomation.


After successfully installed ECY, there are 3 buildin completion engines that is label, path and python.

Firstly ECY will detect the filetype of your buffer that you are using. Knowing the filetype, then ECY asks the server what engines are available on this filetype.

So if you want a specific engine works on a buffer, you can change the filetype by the vim that :set &filetype=java or :let &filetype='java' on the buffer you want to change.

You can also check available engines of ECY by pressing <Tab> in normal mode. It will show a floating windows containing all the engine you can use in current buffer. Also, you can change <Tab> by g:ECY_show_switching_source_popup.

Enable more.

there only three buildin engines which is label,python and path after you installed ECY. If you want ECY works on HTML, you can activate that engine with its name by: :ECYInstall html_lsp in vim.

Importance: There are might dependence while you installing a engine of ECY So check out the following lists carefully and install the dependence before you install it.

Notes: you can not use snippets-expanding without Ultisnips, can not usegoto-definition, goto-declaration, find-symbols, find-reference without LeaderF.
Here the full lists of engine that ECY supports.

For Example:

 :ECYInstall go_gopls   √

 :ECYInstall snippet    √

 :ECYInstall a_name_we_do_not_have   ×
name programming language abilities dependence doc link
label all completion - -
snippet all completion
- Home
path all completion - Home
python_jedi python completion
html_lsp html, xhtml completion
vim_lsp vimL completion
go_langserver golang completion
go_gopls golang completion
gopls Home
clangd C/C++/C-family completion
clangd Home
rust_analyzer rust completion
rust_analyzer Home
css_lsp css completion

Plugins of ECY.

Totally like above list of engines, but just as one repo.

name programming language abilities dependence link
dictionary all completion - Home
latex latex completion
snippets_preview all - - Home

Cooperate with Ultisnips

Ultisnips is a separate plugin, so you have to install it separately. We are strongly recommend you to install Ultisnips to get better experience.

Check out the doc of ultisnips, to change some default mappings such as expanding a snippet. the default values of ultisnips for g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger is '<Tab>', but this values conflict with ECY that g:ECY_select_items.

So you have to change one of them. And ECY had done that for you, after you enable ECY, it will change g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger to '<F1>' automatically. you can also expand a snippet by g:ECY_expand_snippets_key that default values is '<CR>' when you are choosing a snippet or expandable item in ECY popup windows.

Some useful default mappings of Ultisnips. Check doc of ultisnips for more.

g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger -- default: <c-j>
g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger -- default: <c-k>

Cooperate with LeaderF

LeaderF is a separate plugin, so you have to install it separately. We are strongly recommend you to install LeaderF to get better experience.

What LeaderF can do for ECY? To help ECY to locate a position and provide selecting UI. So if you have no LeaderF you can not use some functions of ECY such as Goto-definition.

Some useful command of LeaderF are follow.
what is <leader> in vim?

:LeaderfBuffer or <leader>b

:LeaderfFile or <leader>f

Especially the ctags support of LeaderF

Cooperate with Rooter

Rooter build with ECY, you don't have to install it separately.

You can also make Rooter work with some plugins like lightline.vim and airline to show workspace dir of current buffer.

Cooperate with other plugins

such as lightline.vim and airline, you can show current buffer engine name by ECY_main#GetCurrentUsingSourceName(), or show current buffer count of errors/warnings by ECY#diagnosis#CurrentBufferErrorAndWarningCounts()


Run in Normal mode, such as

cmd params description
ECYDiagnosisLists - Show diagnostic lists with leaderf.
ECYToggleDiagnosis - Toggle diagnosis.
ECYDocumentSymbols - Show document symbols lists with leaderf.
ECYWorkSpaceSymbols - Show workspace symbols lists with leaderf.
ECYListEngine - Show status of all ECY's engines.
ECYGoTo 1 goto somewhere, such as :ECYGoTo reference.
ECYInstall 1 Install a new engine, such as :ECYInstall html_lsp.


How to change the default values to you want?

All of them are variables of vimL, so you can put a code such as
let g:ECY_expand_snippets_key = '<F7>' into your vimrc.

Key Variables

All the options of setting a key can be only set as '<xx>' such as '<F8>' not '\<F8>', because there are different between that two styles in vim.

For Example:

  let g:ECY_show_switching_source_popup = '<C-g>'let g:ECY_show_switching_source_popup = "<C-g>"let g:ECY_show_switching_source_popup = "\<C-g>"   ×

  let g:ECY_show_switching_source_popup = "\<C-g\>"  ×

  let g:ECY_select_items = ['<C-j>', '<C-k>']         √

  let g:ECY_select_items = [<C-j>, <C-k>]             ×
variable name default values description
g:ECY_show_switching_source_popup <Tab> String, Normal mode. Show a prompting board for current buffer's available engines in normal mode .
g:ECY_expand_snippets_key <CR> a.k.a <Enter> String. Expand a snippet in Insert mode by ultsnippes while the popup is showing and there are snippet that can be expanded.
g:ECY_select_items ['<Tab>','<S-TAB>'] String, Insert mode. Must be a list containing 2 items, the first value is shifting down a candidate, the second one is shifting up a candidate.
g:ECY_rolling_key_of_floating_windows ['<C-h>', '<C-l>'] String, Normal mode. Available only when your vim supports floating windows (popup windows). the first one is rolling down text in floating widnows, the second one is rolling up text in floating windows.
g:ECY_key_to_show_current_line_diagnosis H String, Normal mode. Show current line's diagnosis.
g:ECY_key_to_show_next_diagnosis [j String, Normal mode. Show next diagnosis.
g:ECY_show_doc_key '<C-n>' String, Normal mode. Show next diagnosis.

String&Int&Boolean Variables(part, check engine document for more)

For Example:

  let g:ECY_python3_cmd = '/home/python38/python.exe'let g:ECY_python3_cmd = '/home/python38/python.exe --debug'   ×

  let g:ECY_preview_windows_size = [[30, 50], [2, 14]]     √

  let g:ECY_preview_windows_size = [30, 50, 2, 14]         ×

  let g:ECY_use_floating_windows_to_be_popup_windows = v:falselet g:ECY_use_floating_windows_to_be_popup_windows = v:truelet g:ECY_use_floating_windows_to_be_popup_windows = false      ×

  let g:ECY_use_floating_windows_to_be_popup_windows = 'v:false'  ×

  let g:ECY_disable_for_files_larger_than_kb = 200let g:ECY_disable_for_files_larger_than_kb = -1      ×

  let g:ECY_disable_for_files_larger_than_kb = 0       ×

variable name default values description
g:ECY_python3_cmd 'python' String. CMD of executing python3. Pointing to python3 bin in your computer.
g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion v:true Boolean. Same as YCM. Close preview windows after popup windows closed.
g:ECY_disable_diagnosis v:false Boolean. Wether to enable diagnosis.
g:ECY_use_floating_windows_to_be_popup_windows v:true Boolean. If your vim supports floating windows, but you don't want to use it as popup, you can set to v:false.
g:ECY_triggering_length 1 Int. ECY show popup windows only when there are more than xx character.
g:ECY_disable_for_files_larger_than_kb 1000 Int. Same as g:ycm_disable_for_files_larger_than_kb of YCM. Current buffer size more than xxx KB, then ECY won't work.
g:ECY_update_diagnosis_mode 2 Int. 2 means update diagnosis both in Insert mode and Normal mode. 1 means only update diagnosis in Normal mode.
g:ECY_preview_windows_size [[30, 50], [2, 14]] Lists. Available only when your vim support floating windows. Size of preview windows like: [[minwidth, maxwidth], [minheight, maxheight]]
g:ECY_file_path_ignore {'dir': ['.svn','.git','.hg'],'file': ['.sw?','~$','.bak','.exe','.o','.so','*.py[co]','~$','swp$']} Dict. Must containing two keys named 'dir' and 'file'. Value of that two keys is a list of regex.

Style Variables

For Example:

  hi your_highlight1  guifg=#945596	guibg=#073642	ctermfg=red	ctermbg=darkBlue gui=bold
  let g:ECY_normal_matched_word  = 'your_highlight1'let g:ECY_normal_matched_word  = 'a_hightlight_does_not_exits'  ×
variable name default values description
g:ECY_highlight_normal_matched_word 'ECY_normal_matched_word' String. Only available when you have floating windows.
g:ECY_highlight_normal_items 'ECY_normal_items' String. Only available when you have floating windows.
g:ECY_highlight_selected_matched_word 'ECY_selected_matched_word' String. Only available when you have floating windows.
g:ECY_highlight_selected_item 'ECY_selected_item' String. Only available when you have floating windows.
g:ECY_diagnosis_erro 'ECY_diagnosis_erro' String. Color or Styles of diagnosis error.
g:ECY_diagnosis_warn 'ECY_diagnosis_warn' String. Color or Styles of diagnosis warning.
g:ECY_diagnosis_highlight 'ECY_diagnosis_highlight' String. Color or Styles of diagnostic underline hint.
g:ECY_erro_sign_highlight 'ECY_erro_sign_highlight' String. Color of error sign.
g:ECY_warn_sign_highlight 'ECY_warn_sign_highlight' String. Color of warning sign.


API name params and type return
ECY_main#GetCurrentUsingSourceName() - String.
ECY#diagnosis#CurrentBufferErrorAndWarningCounts() - Int.
ECY#utility#OpenECYLogFile() - -.
ECY_main#Check() - boolean.
ECY#utility#CheckCurrentCapabilities() 1.capability - string boolean.

How to write an engine by yourself?

Check out this basic repo. If you wrote a new plugin for ECY, please let me konw; I'll put it into lists of plugins.


Q: Why I need to install LeaderF, and only LeaderF?

A: There are so many tools like LeaderF such as fzf-vim ctrlP, that's true. And the answer is same as "Why ECY only supports ultisnips"? Firstly, they are all rely on python same as ECY. Secondly, according to me, they are the best solutions in vim. Thirdly, supporting so many different plugins could be a disadvantage of ECY, that make ECY so heavy.

Anything can be located by fuzzy search.

which is one of ECY's principles, that LeaderF hightly fit with ECY.
Importance: ECY will not support any plugin that functions resemble with LeaderF and ultisnips unless there are critical demands.

Q: I only need a engine for python, why ECY install all engine's code in my computer?

Q: Why not sperate every engine into respective repo?

A: For outing of the box, better. You should no worry about ECY code in you computer, because it is python script(totally open source) and its size is not big and even smaller than a photo.

Q: Why not use Ale to do diagnosis?

A: Ale use job(channel) feature to send data to linter, but ECY use python3 instead. And every completion that ECY do will send data of current buffer to Server, on the same time, ECY can return diagnosis; that will be send only once. Using Ale will do it twice, sending to linter and ECY's Server.

Q: Why there are no Signature-help?

A: A Signature-help is to show tips about what user using such as prototype of a function. I think using snippets-expanding is good enough to show prototype.

Q: Why there are no Auto-format?

A: It will be nice to use other mature plugins for auto-format such as vim-autoformat or neoformat.

Q: Why there are no capability for highlight in LSP?

A: There are few of Server supports that feature. I think it can be replaced by other vim's plugins such as vim-css-color

Q: Can ECY be used in Neovim?

A: Yes. But ECY tested and developed mainly in Vim.

Debug & Contribution

How to debug?

Put let g:ECY_debug = v:true into your vimrc and restart Vim.
Reproduce the bug, then you can find a log file of ./python/client/ECY_client.log and ./python/server/ECY_server.log

Report bug.

Thanks, and go here

How to PR?

Before pulling a request to ECY's master, make sure you had discussed that with a issuse what your code can do for ECY?
We are very welcome to contribute ECY.

Credit & Donate

Major maintainers:

  1. Jimmy Huang ([email protected])



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