Welcome to my Algorithm Learning Repository! Here, I'm documenting and storing various algorithms that I'm learning and implementing in different programming languages. This repository serves as a resource for myself and others who want to explore and understand different algorithms.
In this repository, you will find a collection of algorithms covering a wide range of topics, including stl data structures, sorting, searching, and more. Each algorithm is implemented in one or more programming languages for educational purposes. You can use this repository to:
- Learn and understand different algorithms.
- Explore algorithm implementations in various programming languages.
- Contribute your own implementations or improvements.
Here's a list of some of the algorithms I've covered so far:
Sorting Algorithms:
- sort()
- sort comparator function
Data Structures:
- stack
- queue
- priority queue
- array
Searching Algorithms:
- Binary Search
- Depth-First Search (DFS)
- Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- ...
Dynamic Programming:
- Fibonacci Sequence
- Knapsack Problem
- knights problem
- sudoku
This list is not exhaustive, and I'll continue to add more algorithms as I learn and implement them.
I've implemented these algorithms in various programming languages, including:
- C++
Feel free to explore the code in your preferred language.
You can clone this repository to your local machine to explore the algorithms and their implementations. Each algorithm is contained within its own directory and includes a README.md file explaining the algorithm, its time complexity, and usage examples.
To clone the repository, use the following command:
git clone [https://github.com/iSparshP/Algorithms.git]
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this repository, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and ensure they work as expected.
- Commit your changes and create a clear, concise pull request with a descriptive title.
- Explain the purpose and details of your changes in the pull request description.
- I'll review your contributions and merge them if they align with the repository's goals.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Happy learning and coding!
0070-climbing-stairs |
1236-n-th-tribonacci-number |
0374-guess-number-higher-or-lower |
0189-rotate-array |
2392-successful-pairs-of-spells-and-potions |
2553-total-cost-to-hire-k-workers |
0169-majority-element |
0179-largest-number |
0215-kth-largest-element-in-an-array |
0242-valid-anagram |
2392-successful-pairs-of-spells-and-potions |
2636-maximum-subsequence-score |
0053-maximum-subarray |
0169-majority-element |
0191-number-of-1-bits |
0215-kth-largest-element-in-an-array |
0215-kth-largest-element-in-an-array |
2413-smallest-number-in-infinite-set |
2553-total-cost-to-hire-k-workers |
2636-maximum-subsequence-score |
0215-kth-largest-element-in-an-array |
0001-two-sum |
0003-longest-substring-without-repeating-characters |
0169-majority-element |
0242-valid-anagram |
2413-smallest-number-in-infinite-set |
2413-smallest-number-in-infinite-set |
0055-jump-game |
0179-largest-number |
2636-maximum-subsequence-score |
2553-total-cost-to-hire-k-workers |
0003-longest-substring-without-repeating-characters |
0179-largest-number |
0242-valid-anagram |
1250-longest-common-subsequence |
2580-circular-sentence |
0204-count-primes |
0204-count-primes |
0003-longest-substring-without-repeating-characters |
0048-rotate-image |
0136-single-number |
0191-number-of-1-bits |
0371-sum-of-two-integers |
0169-majority-element |
0046-permutations |
0077-combinations |
0002-add-two-numbers |
0206-reverse-linked-list |
0002-add-two-numbers |
0206-reverse-linked-list |
0279-perfect-squares |
0322-coin-change |
0547-number-of-provinces |
0871-keys-and-rooms |
1086-divisor-game |
1086-divisor-game |
0096-unique-binary-search-trees |
0096-unique-binary-search-trees |
0096-unique-binary-search-trees |
0547-number-of-provinces |
0871-keys-and-rooms |
0547-number-of-provinces |
0871-keys-and-rooms |
0547-number-of-provinces |