Apester interactive tag plugin to include in Hexo page/post
This is a Hexo tag plugin for including a Apester widget into your pages/posts. Examples of what they can look like are below:
The same as other Hexo plugins its simply:
npm install --save hexo-tag-apester
In your Hexo project root.
Include the Apester JS SDK on your page once before the </head>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//static.apester.com/js/sdk/v1.1/apester-sdk.min.js"></script>
The full tag format is as follows:
{% apester interaction_id %}
- Adding tweetable quote to hexo blog - Adding tweetable quote to hexo blog.
I normally add Apester quizes to my blog posts.
You can check one of them at Chathu's Visionaries