Demo application : Suppose a Government (eg. Maharashtra Government) has undertaken a project for road maintenance for the routes between some major cities in the state. Namely Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara, Pune, Mumbai, Thane, Nashik, Aurangabad and Ahmednagar. Government will be working on half side of the road at a time so that other half can be used for travelling. But the other half road is so narrow that vehicles will not be allowed to pass in both ways i.e the road will be a One-Way. So the Computer Engineers are assigned with a task to find a shortest path from a city to other cities through other cities if direct path is not available from the source city.
Example : If Road between Sangli and Ahmednagar is under maintenance and vehicles are allowed only to travel from Ahmednagar to Sangli but not in other way, then alternative path has to be found to travel from Sangli to Ahmednagar. The path to be found should be of shortest distance. Eg. Sangli - Kolhapur - Pune - Ahmednagar