A collection of geospatial models examining the relationship between climate variables, socio-demographic indicators, and health outcomes.
Clone this repository
Create a conda environment with python and the R dependencies for the model.
conda create -n cgf -c conda-forge python=3.12 r r-base r-lmertest r-emmeans
Activate the conda environment
conda activate cgf
to installpoetry
in the conda environmentpip install poetry
Install the dependencies
poetry install
Pre-commit hooks run all the auto-formatting (ruff format
), linters (e.g. ruff
and mypy
), and other quality
checks to make sure the changeset is in good shape before a commit/push happens.
You can install the hooks with (runs for each commit):
pre-commit install
Or if you want them to run only for each push:
pre-commit install -t pre-push
Or if you want e.g. want to run all checks manually for all files:
pre-commit run --all-files