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urlfinder is an enumeration tool that allows finding recursively all the URLs starting from a base one taken as input, also jumping between different domains.

URLs are taken from:

  • href attribute from <a> tags
  • action attribute from <form> tags

urlfinder retrieves:

  • URL endpoints
  • email addresses
  • phone numbers

Once an URL is found, query parameters (if any) are substituted with keywords FUZZ0, FUZZ1, etc. This allows for easy replacement by injecting payloads using a fuzzing tool.

urlfinder produces five files:

  • url-complete-list.txt: stores the list of all the original URLs found
  • fuzzable-urls.txt: stores the list of URLs containing FUZZX keywords
  • mails.txt: stores the list of email addresses
  • phones.txt: stores the list of phone numbers
  • site-map.log: stores the site map. It can be used to reconstruct the path to get a specific URL

The tool can retrieve only URLs coming from the same domain as the URL passed as argument or retrieve the entire set of URLs based on domains in scope

WARNING: based on the target or scope, the execution of the tool could be endless (for example scanning a social media)

Setup environment

Create environment

python -m venv env

Activate environment




source env/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup project

pip install -e .


python urlfinder --help                         

Usage: urlfinder [OPTIONS]

  -u, --url TEXT       URL  [required]
  -d, --domains TEXT   List of comma separated scope domains
  -cs, --check-status  Get only URLs with status code between 200 and 400
                       [default: False]
  --help               Show this message and exit.

Execute tool

Execution without scope domains

python urlfinder -u <BASE-URL>

Execution with scope domains (separated with comma)

python urlfinder -u <BASE-URL> -d <SUBDOMAIN-1>.<DOMAIN-1>,<DOMAIN-2>,*.<DOMAIN-3>

Execution getting only URLs coming from a non-error HTTP response code

python urlfinder -u <BASE-URL> -d <SUBDOMAIN-1>.<DOMAIN-1>,<DOMAIN-2>,*.<DOMAIN-3> -cs


  • Retrieve URLs inside <script> tags
  • Retrieve endpoints inside an URL, e.g. https://jkljkl.jkl/test/?continue=https://jkljkl.jkl/test-2/?id=111
  • Generate and parse URLs coming from <form> tags with GET action and inputs as query parameters
  • Add a proxy to allow the user to interact with the page catching possible missing URLs
  • Add an option to make path fuzzable
  • Add an option to make fragment fuzzable
  • Use wordlist to enumerate directories and find other fuzzable endpoints
  • Create different URLs coming from a single one containing also original values. From ?id=5&action=create&token=111:
    • ?id=5&action=create&token=FUZZ0
    • ?id=5&action=FUZZ0&token=111
    • ?id=FUZZ0&action=create&token=111
    • ?id=5&action=FUZZ0&token=FUZZ1
    • ?id=FUZZ0&action=create&token=FUZZ1
    • ?id=FUZZ0&action=FUZZ1&token=111
    • ?id=FUZZ0&action=FUZZ1&token=FUZZ2


This tool is only for testing and academic purposes and can only be used where strict consent has been given. Do not use it for illegal purposes! It is the end user’s responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool and software in general.