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Sennvim is a simple and lightweight vim configuration for Python, Go, and TypeScript development.



This neovim configuration uses these packages under the hood. Install with homebrew:

brew install lazygit fzf ripgrep regex yazi

Or use your preferred package manager.


The Python LSP setup uses a Ruff config. You can grab my config here. Put it in ~/.config/ruff. If you store it elsewhere, remember to update lua/config/lauguages/python.lua.


Make a backup of your current nvim configuration, just in case you want to go back later. Once backed up, delete them. The default directories are:


Now clone this repository into your nvim directory:

git clone ~/.config/nvim

Next, remove the git dir. You can keep plugins updated via the :Lazy command within neovim.

rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git .gitignore

Run nvim.

Full Dev Environment

If you want to check out my full dev environment, my dotfiles are public. I cover a setup guide for Mac here

Plugins Included

Sennvim uses the following plugins:

Language Servers

I've included a custom, modular approach to loading lagnuage servers, formatters, and linters into lsp config, conform, and nvim lint. To add your own languages, simply:

  1. Create a new lua file for the language in nvim/lua/config/languages
  2. Each language file should return a function.
  3. In the function, call these globals:
  • sennvim.lsp.add_config to add an lsp server and config
  • sennvim.formatters.add_formatter to add a formatter
  • sennvim.linters.add_linter to add a linter.
  1. These files will be automatically detected, loaded, and installed via Mason on the next load.

The signature for lsp.add_config is:

-- server_name: string
-- config: table
sennvim.lsp.add_config(server_name, config)

Signatures for linters and formatters are:

-- language: string
-- linters / formatter : table
sennvim.linters.add_linter(language, linters)
sennvim.formatters.add_formatter(language, formatter)

Linter and Formatter tables can contain multiple linters and formatters.

For example, here is the Python language file:

return function()
	sennvim.lsp.add_config("basedpyright", {
		settings = {
			basedpyright = {
				typeCheckingMode = "basic",
				autoImportCompletions = true,
				disableOrganizeImports = true,
	sennvim.lsp.add_config("ruff", {
		init_options = {
			settings = {
				configuration = "~/.config/ruff/ruff.toml",
				logLevel = "debug",

or TypeScript:

return function()
	local inlay_hints = {
		includeInlayEnumMemberValueHints = true,
		includeInlayFunctionLikeReturnTypeHints = true,
		includeInlayFunctionParameterTypeHints = true,
		includeInlayParameterNameHints = "all",
		includeInlayParameterNameHintsWhenArgumentMatchesName = true,
		includeInlayPropertyDeclarationTypeHints = true,
		includeInlayVariableTypeHints = true,
		includeInlayVariableTypeHintsWhenTypeMatchesName = true,

	local ts_settings = {
		settings = {
			maxTsServerMemory = 12288,
			typescript = {
				inlayHints = inlay_hints,
			javascript = {
				inlayHints = inlay_hints,

	sennvim.lsp.add_config("ts_ls", ts_settings)

	sennvim.formatters.add_formatter("typescript", { "biome" })
	sennvim.formatters.add_formatter("typescriptreact", { "biome" })
	sennvim.formatters.add_formatter("javascript", { "biome" })
	sennvim.formatters.add_formatter("javascriptreact", { "biome" })

	sennvim.formatters.add_formatter_config("biome", { prepend_args = { "check", "--unsafe", "--write" } })

	sennvim.linters.add_linter("typescript", { "biome", "eslint_d" })
	sennvim.linters.add_linter("javascrypt", { "biome", "eslint_d" })
	sennvim.linters.add_linter("typescriptreact", { "biome", "eslint_d" })
	sennvim.linters.add_linter("javacriptreact", { "biome", "eslint_d" })

Note: there is also a global sennvim.formatters.add_formatter_config available if you need to add additional args to the format command. You can see this in use in the TypeScript example above.



  • shift + up/shift + down - Move selected text up and down.


  • leader bn Switch to next buffer.
  • leader bp Switch to previous buffer.
  • leader bd Close all buffers apart from the current buffer.
  • leader bx Close the current buffer.

Quick access to tools

  • leader gg Open Lazygit. Press ? for help and keybindings.
  • leader ls Toggle live preview for markdown and html files.
  • leader ee Open Yazy. Yazi keybindings. See Yazi Documentation
  • leader ff Open fuzzy finder
  • leader xx Open diagnostics list
  • leader fg Open live grep
  • leader fb Open currently opened buffers.
  • leader fh Search help files.
  • leader fx Search in nvim config files for quick adjustments.


  • leader cd Go to code definition.
  • leader ch View hover info ("K" also works).
  • leader ci Go to implementation.
  • leader cr Show references.
  • leader cn Rename symbol under cursor.
  • leader ca View code actions
  • leader cf Format current file
  • leader ce Open diagnostics list

Still todo:

  • Include dap & dap loaders.


I welcome the idea that someone might find this useful and want to contribute. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements, please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.


nvim configuration






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