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A CLI tool for compiling and benchmarking python source code using Cython or Nuitka.
pip install pycompile
Usage: pycompile compile [OPTIONS]
Compile the python files using `cython` or `nuitka`.
-i, --input-path PATH Specify the file/folder input path, by
default it will exclude any `test` and
`__init__.py` files [required]
-ex, --exclude-glob-paths TEXT glob files patterns of the files to be
excluded, example: **/ignore_this_module.py
-v, --verbose verbose level
-e, --engine [cython|nuitka] CompilerWrapper to be used, defaults to:
-cs, --clean-source Clean source (.py) files
-kb, --keep-builds Keep temporary build files
-ce, --clean-executables Clean final executables (.so) files
--help Show this message and exit.
pycompile compile -i your_python_files --clean-source --engine nuitka
After the compilation the input
dir will have the following structure.
βββ fib.py.py
βββ fib.cpython-310-darwin.so
βββ test_fib.py
Usage: pycompile benchmark [OPTIONS]
Run a memory and cpu benchmark.
-i, --input-path PATH Specify the file/folder input path
-e, --engine [cython|nuitka|both|none]
compiler wrapper(s) to be used for the
benchmark, defaults to `both`.
-t, --type [memory|cpu|both] type of benchmark to execute, defaults to
-p, --profile_func_pattern TEXT
function name pattern for profiling,
defaults to `benchmark`. All the functions
with a name that matches this pattern will
be decorated with `@profile` from: `memory-
profiler`, in addition their module needs to
follow the pattern
(`something_prof_func_name.py` to be
excluded from compilation).
-v, --verbose verbose level
--help Show this message and exit.
It starts a memory
and a cpu
benchmark, starting with
pycompile benchmark -i src/examples -vvv
The python package must have a test_module.py
because both benchmark types are invoked
with pytest
The following structure is required for the benchmark
βββ sample_funcs.py # implementation
βββ main.py # entrypoint with a `main` function, during compilation will be excluded
βββ test_sample_funcs.py # test cases
pycompile dry_run -i ./src
For local development run the following command
make setup-local-dev
All available make
make help