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|_| |___/ |_|
A CLI tool for compiling python source code using Cython or Nuitka.
For local development run the following command
make setup-local-dev
All available make
make help
Syntax | Description |
--input-path PATH |
by default it excludes any test and __init__.py files |
--clean-source |
Deletes the sources files. |
--keep-builds |
Keeps the temp build files. |
--clean-executables |
Deletes the shared objects (.so ) files. |
--engine |
Can be cython or nuitka . |
--exclude-glob-paths |
Glob file patterns for excluding specific files. |
--verbose |
Increase log messages. |
pycompile -i your_python_files --clean-source --engine nuitka
By default, the Cython is being used as the default compiler.
For compiling the examples
use the following command:
pycompile -i input_path --engine cython
which by default, deletes any temp build files and keeps the source files.
pycompile -i input_path --engine nuitka
After the compilation the input
dir will have the following structure.
├── fib.py.py
├── fib.cpython-310-darwin.so
├── test_fib.py
Syntax | Description |
--input-path PATH |
by default it excludes any test and __init__.py files |
--engine |
Can be cython , nuitka , all or none . |
--type |
Can be memory , cpy , or both |
--verbose |
Increase log messages. |
--profile_func_pattern TEXT |
function name pattern for profiling defaults to benchmark |
For running a benchmark on the input-path
use the following command:
pycompile benchmark -i src/examples -vvv
which by default will start a memory
and a cpu
benchmark, starting with
and then with cython
and nuitka
The python package must have a
because both benchmark types are invoked withpytest
- For memory profiling the script will decorate all the functions in
with theprofile
decorator frommemory-profiler
. This is not optimal memory profiling, because we don't actuallyprofile
the function itself, instead we profile thecaller
but it's necessary if we want toprofile
also the compiled code. Use theprofile_func_pattern
to specify the function to be profiled in different module for example ifmain
is the entrypoint undermain.py
use--profile_func_pattern main
Hence, the following structure are required for the benchmark
- For cpu profiling the same approached is being used, but instead of decorating the
calling functions
the test cases with thebenchmark
├── sample_funcs.py # implementation
├── main.py # entrypoint with a `main` function, during compilation will be excluded
├── test_sample_funcs.py # test cases
Memory benchmark using:3.10.9 (main, Feb 2 2023, 12:59:36) [Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)
Line # Mem usage Increment Occurrences Line Contents
7 49.4 MiB 49.4 MiB 1 @profile
8 def samples_benchmark():
9 127.7 MiB 78.4 MiB 1 sum_of_squares()
10 166.0 MiB 38.3 MiB 1 harmonic_mean()
11 166.0 MiB 0.0 MiB 1 fibonacci(30)
12 204.2 MiB 38.2 MiB 1 sum_numbers()
13 57.7 MiB -146.5 MiB 1 sum_strings()
46.03s call test_examples.py::test_examples
Memory benchmark using cython
Line # Mem usage Increment Occurrences Line Contents
7 66.5 MiB 66.5 MiB 1 @profile
8 def samples_benchmark():
9 103.7 MiB 37.3 MiB 1 sum_of_squares()
10 102.9 MiB -0.8 MiB 1 harmonic_mean()
11 102.9 MiB 0.0 MiB 1 fibonacci(30)
12 104.9 MiB 2.0 MiB 1 sum_numbers()
13 65.6 MiB -39.3 MiB 1 sum_strings()
4.33s call test_examples.py::test_examples
Memory benchmark using nuitka
Line # Mem usage Increment Occurrences Line Contents
7 71.6 MiB 71.6 MiB 1 @profile
8 def samples_benchmark():
9 148.8 MiB 77.1 MiB 1 sum_of_squares()
10 186.5 MiB 37.7 MiB 1 harmonic_mean()
11 186.5 MiB 0.0 MiB 1 fibonacci(30)
12 225.1 MiB 38.6 MiB 1 sum_numbers()
13 225.1 MiB 0.0 MiB 1 sum_strings()
3.45s call test_examples.py::test_examples
CPU benchmark using:3.10.9 (main, Feb 2 2023, 12:59:36) [Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)]
------------------------------------------- benchmark: 1 tests ------------------------------------------
Name (time in s) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers OPS Rounds Iterations
test_examples 3.9257 4.0640 3.9731 0.0605 3.9387 0.0917 1;0 0.2517 5 1
Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
29.40s call test_examples.py::test_examples
CPU benchmark using cython
Name (time in s) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers OPS Rounds Iterations
test_examples 4.4198 4.6645 4.4945 0.1048 4.4340 0.1376 1;0 0.2225 5 1
Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
31.80s call test_examples.py::test_examples
CPU benchmark using nuitka
------------------------------------------- benchmark: 1 tests ------------------------------------------
Name (time in s) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers OPS Rounds Iterations
test_examples 3.2931 3.5091 3.4278 0.0972 3.4875 0.1571 1;0 0.2917 5 1
Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
24.02s call test_examples.py::test_examples
Syntax | Description |
--input-path PATH |
by default it excludes any test and __init__.py files |
--exclude-glob-paths |
Glob file patterns for excluding specific files. |
--verbose |
Increase log messages. |
pycompile dry_run -i ./src