Tornado-like wrapper for creating HTTP RESTful services.
* Declare the URL handlers.
* Handler must be an array: array("/url-pattern/", "\\Name\\Of\\Class")
* first element is string (for string URL path match) or regexp
$handlers = array(
array("/ajax/register/", '\\AjaxRegisterHandler'),
array("#^/product/([0-9]+)/reviews/$#", '\\ProductReviewHandler'),
array("#^/Example.php/news/(.*)$#", '\\NewsHandler'),
require_once "AjaxHandler.class.php";
* All handlers must be subclass of PHPRest\HttpHandler
class AjaxRegisterHandler extends PHPRest\AjaxHandler
* handler POST-requests
public function post()
// Get POST params
$login = $this->getBodyParam("login");
$pass = $this->getBodyParam("pass");
// Get URL-query params
$redirect_url = $this->getQueryParam("next");
// Check form fields
if (!$login) $this->setError("login", "Required field");
if (!$pass) $this->setError("pass", "Required field");
// If errors found, show it
if ($this->getErrors()) {
// Do other stuff...
$response = array("user_id" => 100);
class ProductReviewHandler extends PHPRest\AjaxHandler {};
class NewsHandler extends PHPRest\AjaxHandler {};
require_once "HttpRouter.class.php";
// Initialize HTTP router
$router = new PHPRest\HttpRouter($handlers);
// Initialize HTTP requests handler