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A Project Starter for

This project includes setup for:

  • SQL Query Builder using sqlc
  • SMTP Client using gomail
  • Rest API Server with fiber
  • SDK Library from go-sdk

Project Structure

├── deploy -- configurations for deploy the apps.
├── docker-compose.yaml -- docker compose configurations.
├── docs -- documents assets, can be email template/sql code/etc.
│   └── sql -- sql queries and schemas
├── etc -- other configurations for app.
├── flake.nix -- nix flake configurations.
├── sqlc.yaml -- sqlc query generator configurations.
└── src -- source code of app.
    ├── business -- for business layers of app.
    │   ├── domain -- for low level layer to access resource like database/third party/etc.
    │   │   ├── domain.go -- instantiate domain layer.
    │   └── usecase -- layer for craft business logic aligns with business needs here.
    │       └── usecase.go -- instantiate usecase layer.
    ├── cmd -- command line app layer.
    │   └── main.go -- entrypoint code of app.
    ├── entity -- entity layer, craft your entity for db or etc here.
    │   ├── gen -- generated from sqlc.
    │   ├── rest.go -- craft your entity for rest api implementation here.
    ├── handler -- craft your handler collections for rest/graphql/grpc.
    │   └── rest -- rest api setup
    │       ├── helper.go -- code helper for rest api implementation
    │       ├── rest.go -- rest api entrypoint.
    │       ├── route.go -- write your rest api routes here.
    └── utils -- code utilities for app.
        ├── config -- contains code for app config configuration.
        ├── connection -- contains code for connection to db.
        ├── ctxkey -- context key collections.
        ├── pagination -- code collections to implement paginations.
        └── validation -- code collections for validation purpose.


Below is usage docs for this project.


A simple way to using this project, you just need to clone this project and custom setup based on your purpose.

$ git clone


Big Thanks for nix and nixpkgs the awesome project for developer.

This project includes bundle with development tools for Go project:

  • helix: A simple code editor but powerfull like vim/neovim.
  • gopls: Golang language server protocol that provide auto completion and etc.
  • gotools: Golang tools collection for development that provide formatter, auto import and etc.
  • go: Golang compiler with version 1.24.
  • simple-completion-language-server: A language server for text buffer.

Full Setup

Full setup contains all tools above for development. For usage you need to install nix package manager first. Then just type below:

$ nix develop .#ide

And nix will setup development environment for Go and you ready to develop your app without any effort to setup compiler or etc.

Minimal Setup

May you need minimal setup if you:

  • already have own go compiler installed.
  • want to use your own ide or code editor.
  • don't need auto complete for plain text from buffer.

And just need a minimal setup to develop your Go app you can type.

$ nix develop .#ide-minimal

This setup only contains:

  • gopls
  • gotools

After that you can open your project using helix.

$ hx .

Or using any IDE that you like.

Run and Build

Build your app.

$ go build -o main ./src/cmd/main.go

Run the app.

$ ./main

Build with docker.

$ docker compose up app-dev -d


$ docker compose up app-prod -d

Depends about your docker-compose configurations.


  • Setup nix flake
  • Setup SQL Query Builder using sqlc.
  • Setup for Rest API
  • Setup for GraphQL
  • Setup for gRPC
  • Setup for Minio Object Storage


A Golang Starter Project that used with






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