Author: Khaled Mohammad Email: [email protected] Twitter: @itskhaledmd
This is a simple guessing game, commonly known as Hangman.It is purely written in C Programming Language(C99 Standard).It is realeased under BSD-Clause 3.
I used gcc for compilation.So use this command if your using gcc:
**gcc -std=c99 main.c drawing.c funcs.c drawing.h funcs.h words.h hang.res -o hangman.exe **
I used gcc here too.I made a Makefile.So you can easily to compile it by this command (Make sure the Makefile is in the same dir as the sources and headers) :
make hangman
And if you want to delete the produced bins and cores, you can simply use this command to clean up:
make clean
***Enjoy. :) *** Please do leave me any improvements you want and do report bugs.