OpenOPC for Python 3.7+ is a descendent of with modifications for Python 3 and distutils.
OpenOPC for Python is a free, open source OPC (OLE for Process Control) toolkit designed for use with the popular Python programming language.
- Python package releases can be found at::
- for::
- Windows 64-bit (does not include opc-service console application) Windows 32-bit (needs pywin32 for opc-service) Linux x86-64 (does not include opc-service console application)
If you elected to install the OpenOPC Development library during the installation process, then you'll need to also download and install the following packages in order to develop your own Python programs which use the OpenOPC library:
- Python 3.7+
- Python for Windows Extensions (pywin32)
- Pyro5
Of course, Python is necessary on all platforms. However the other packages may be optional depending on your configuration:
- Win32 platform, using the OpenOPC Gateway Service
Pywin32: optional Pyro5: required
- Win32 platform, talking to OPC Servers directly using COM/DCOM
Pywin32: required Pyro5: optional
- Non-Windows platform (use of Gateway Service is mandatory)
Pywin32: not applicable Pyro5: required
In order to get the most from the OpenOPC package, Windows developers are encouraged to install both Pywin32 and Pyro. Using Pyro to talk to the Gateway Service provides a quick and easy method for bypassing the DCOM security nightmares which are all too common when using OPC.
A PDF manual for OpenOPC is included in this installation inside the "doc" folder. Users are encouraged to also look at the OpenOPC web site for additional usage examples that may not be contained in the manual.
EXAMPLE - Minimal working program:
import OpenOPC opc = OpenOPC.client() opc.connect('Matrikon.OPC.Simulation') print(opc['Square Waves.Real8']) opc.close()
A registered wrapper dll is required to access the OPC server. These wrappers are normally installed and registered when the OPC Server is installed.
The default classes supported are:
OPC DA Automation Wrapper 2.02 Matrikon.OPC.Automation (opcdaauto.dll) Graybox.OPC.DAWrapper (gbda_aut.dll) HSCOPC.Automation (PKS OPC Server dll) RSI.OPCAutomation (rsiopcauto.dll from Rockwell) OPC.Automation (opcdaauto.dll from OPC Foundation)
These classes can be overrided by the OPC_CLASS environment variable.
After an OpenOPC package has been installed in a Python environment, two console applications can be found in the scripts directory:
opc.exe, the OpenOPC client opc-service.exe, the OpenOPC gateway service for Python 32 bit for Windows only
To run opc-service from a virtual environment, the following dlls will have to be copied to scripts directory once pywin32 is installed:
python3x.dll found in the main Python installation directory pythoncom3x.dll found in the virtual enviornment's Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32 pywintypes3x.dll found in the virtual enviornment's Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32 pythonservice.exe found in the virtual enviornment's Lib\site-packages\win32
pywin32_system32 and win32 directories are created once pywin32 is installed.
The gateway service can be installed, debugged, and removed by using the opc-service console app by executing the following on a Command Prompt with Administrative rights:
opc-service install opc-service debug opc-service remove
To display the usage help text execute the following on a Command Prompt:
Before installing the service on a machine, check that the OPC Server has a OPC Automation DLL installed. By default the service will use the loop back IP address, to allow the service to communicate over the network set OPC_GATE_HOST to the IP of the host before installing the service.
OpenOPC includes the only publically available command-line OPC client. Unlike graphical clients, it can be easily used in scripts or batch files. And because of its piping capability (i.e. chaining commands together), it is far more powerful than other OPC clients
1. Get a listing of the available OPC servers on your computer by going to the command prompt and entering:
opc -q
2. Set your prefered OPC server as the default by setting the system wide enviornment variable OPC_SERVER. (On Windows you can do this by going to Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables):
Display OPC server information via the Win32 COM connection:
opc -i
4. Test to see if the OpenOPC Gateway Service is functioning by entering:
opc -m open -i
5. Test some of the other commands available using the OPC Command Line Client. To get started, try entering the opc command without any arguments in order to see the help page:
To read an item from your OPC server, just include the item name as one of your arguments. For example, if you're using Matrikon's Simulation server you could do:
opc Random.Int4
To read items from a specific OPC server you have installed, include the -s switch followed by the OPC server name. For example:
opc -s Matrikon.OPC.Simulation Random.Int4
To list available items:
C:\> opc -f Random.*Int* Random.Int1 Random.Int2 Random.Int4 Random.UInt1 Random.UInt2 Random.UInt4
To read values of items every 60 seconds, logging the results to a file until stopped by Ctrl-C...:
C:\> opc Random.Int4 Random.Real8 -L 60 >data.log
Command usage summary:
C:\> opc OpenOPC Command Line Client 1.1.6 Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Barry Barnreiter ([email protected]) Usage: opc [OPTIONS] [ACTION] [ITEM|PATH...] Actions: -r, --read Read ITEM values (default action) -w, --write Write values to ITEMs (use ITEM=VALUE) -p, --properties View properties of ITEMs -l, --list List items at specified PATHs (tree browser) -f, --flat List all ITEM names (flat browser) -i, --info Display OPC server information -q, --servers Query list of available OPC servers -S, --sessions List sessions in OpenOPC Gateway Service Options: -m MODE, --mode=MODE Protocol MODE (dcom, open) (default: OPC_MODE) -C CLASS,--class=CLASS OPC Automation CLASS (default: OPC_CLASS) -n NAME, --name=NAME Set OPC Client NAME (default: OPC_CLIENT) -h HOST, --host=HOST DCOM OPC HOST (default: OPC_HOST) -s SERV, --server=SERVER DCOM OPC SERVER (default: OPC_SERVER) -H HOST, --gate-host=HOST OpenOPC Gateway HOST (default: OPC_GATE_HOST) -P PORT, --gate-port=PORT OpenOPC Gateway PORT (default: OPC_GATE_PORT) -F FUNC, --function=FUNC Read FUNCTION to use (sync, async) -c SRC, --source=SOURCE Set data SOURCE for reads (cache, device, hybrid) -g SIZE, --size=SIZE Group tags into SIZE items per transaction -z MSEC, --pause=MSEC Sleep MSEC milliseconds between transactions -u MSEC, --update=MSEC Set update rate for group to MSEC milliseconds -t MSEC, --timeout=MSEC Set read timeout to MSEC mulliseconds -o FMT, --output=FORMAT Output FORMAT (table, values, pairs, csv, html) -L SEC, --repeat=SEC Loop ACTION every SEC seconds until stopped -y ID, --id=ID,... Retrieve only specific Property IDs -a STR, --append=STR,... Append STRINGS to each input item name -x N --rotate=N Rotate output orientation in groups of N values -v, --verbose Verbose mode showing all OPC function calls -e, --errors Include descriptive error message strings -R, --recursive List items recursively when browsing tree -, --pipe Pipe item/value list from standard input
If you experience any unexpected errors, please check the FAQ on for additional help.
If after reading through the FAQ you still require additional help, then the author of this package would be happy to assist you via e-mail. Please see the project website for current contact information.
If you have any questions, bug reports, or suggestions for improvements please feel free to contact the author at:
While I cannot always guarantee a quick response, I eventually respond to all e-mails and will do my best to solve any issues which are discovered.
Thanks for using OpenOPC for Python!
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 by Barry Barnreiter ([email protected]) Copyright (c) 2014 by Anton D. Kachalov ([email protected]) Copyright (c) 2017 by Michal Kwiatkowski ([email protected]) Copyright (c) 2023 by j3mg