- The initial list of users define in this
- We have to go to the codebase root directory and need to run those below command.
- Network
declared as external in the docker-compose file. - So we have to create the network manually using this
docker network create country-api-network
- Network
- To build the image
docker-compose --env-file .env build
- To run the image inside a container
docker-compose --env-file .env up -d
- To stop the running containers
docker-compose --env-file .env stop
- To remove stops containers
docker-compose --env-file .env down
- To build the image
To access the docker container Database from the docker host computer we have to use this configuration
mongodb.host=localhost mongodb.port=27018 mongodb.database=country_db mongodb.authentication-database=admin mongodb.username=root mongodb.password=root
- To run this application locally, we need those following dependency:
- Apache Maven
- Version >= 3.6.3
- Java 11
- This application is developed in the Spring Boot framework(version: 2.5.6).
- MongoDB
- We need to update this
file according to the local configuration.
- We need to update this
- Apache Maven
- To run this Spring Boot app we need to build it first.
- To build and package a Spring Boot app into a single executable Jar file with a Maven, we have to use the below command.
- We need to run it from the project folder which contains the pom.xml file.
- This command will generate an application packaged as an executable jar file.
mvn clean install package
- To run the Spring Boot app from a command line in a Terminal window, We have to run the java -jar command.
java -jar target/country-api-1.0.0.jar
- We can also use the Maven plugin to run the app. We have to use the below command to run Spring Boot app with the Maven plugin :
mvn spring-boot:run
- For the API documentation, there is a postman collection in project root directory named:
- To see the API list we have to import the postman collection.