My name is Jan Küster and I am all about JavaScript and Meteor
I love to work on projects, that are about education. I currently work on, a diagnostic and learning platform for German adults with low to very low literacy skills. The target group is employed adults, which are limited in their career path due to low fundamental literacy skills.
I am also a constant contributor around Meteor and it's packages ecosystem. Recently I joined up with Storyteller CZ and Alim S. Gafar for the weekly Meteor.js Community Podcast on YouTube.
📢 At this point I want to shout out to all my current and former my sponsors! Big thanks for the trust and the support! ❤️
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Backend |
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These are curatest lists of some of my articles on, the platform where I regularly publish insights, summaries and findings of my recent developmenmt work. Click on a section to expand and see all articles for it.
Beginners / Fundamentals
Why choose Meteor (or not) for your next project?
Meteor 5 minutes setup for newcomers
Write isomorphic code in MeteorJs
Tutorials and Guides
Gradually upgrading a Meteor.js project to 3.0
Prepare your Meteor.js project for the big 3.0 release!
Meteor and React Native - Create a native mobile app
Easy CRUD setup with Meteor in only 4 steps from scratch
Plugin architecture with Meteor
Meteor browser bundle and Node-Stubs - beware what you import
MeteorJs and Meteor-Up MongoDB migration to a new major version 🛠️
How to mess up your JavaScript code like a boss (THIS IS A MUST READ FOR ANY JS DEV!)
All your JavaScript code is polluted
Prevent infinite loops in JavaScript
ES6 classes with private members
My opinionated JavaScript package template repository - zero config, start immediately
Text, Fonts
Make text fit its parent size using JavaScript
Converting my OTF font into multiple web fonts with this bash script
Coding Puzzles
Let's solve a one-liner code puzzle
One-Liner Puzzle - Fill Array with indices
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- Books I want to read (Amazon wishlist):