##Deployment k3s 3node cluster include k8s dashboard, longhorn(persisten volume), metallb(looadbalancer), ingress
3node with ubuntu server distribution ansible on each node edit host file for ansible environment (ip, username, password) for metallb(loadbalancer) must be set valid range ip address in ./metallb/matallb.yaml for correct domain must be set domain for all ingresses in ./k8s_dashboard/manifest.yaml and ./longhorn/manifest.yaml
##Installation for macOS
brew install ansible brew install sshpass export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False
#install cluster ansible-playbook k3s_install.yml --inventory-file=~/hosts
#uninstall cluster ansible-playbook uninstall.yml --inventory-file=~/hosts
Kubeconfig for external manage cluster is store on each node in "/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml" folder
copy this file to local machine and edit host address
kubectl get node --kubeconfig *.file or set env: export KUBECONFIG=/filepath kubectl get node
#Access to k8s dashboard
for authorization use token which is generate via ansible or use this command for export token
kubectl get secret admin-user -n kubernetes-dashboard -o jsonpath={".data.token"} | base64 -d
#Access to longhorn dashboard