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MSK Test Harness

This is a test framework that is designed to run in a ECS/Fargate cluster to allow for large scale testing of an MSK cluster.

It was originally built to load test IAM and therefore creates 1 IAM role per container/process that is created when IAM is enabled. SASL/SCRAM and no role creation is also supported. See

It can also be run locally on an EC2 instance.


  1. Create an MSK cluster with the steps here

  2. Keep the test host you created, add IAMFullAccess policy permissions to the ec2 role for it.

  3. You will need to populate test.role.policy.arn and cluster.arn with the arn of the MSK cluster you created and the policy you created in

  4. You should be able to test and run locally on the ec2 host before moving to ecs deployment. (Run Application.main or use maven as below)

  5. To run in your own ecs cluster you will need to create an ECR repository.

  6. Once you have done this you can create and upload your docker image as per below. The tag names can be whatever you like.

  7. Follow this guide for creating the ECS/ECR components. You can ignore the application creation part as you will deploy this application.

  8. The ECS task role and instance role will need creating (uou can use the same one for both). You should attach the policy that works for your ec2 instance above. Also you will need to attach IAMFullAccess, CloudWatchLogsFullAccess, and EC2InstanceProfileForImageBuilderECRContainerBuilds policies.

  • You can control the behaviour for the load test per process/container by editing
  • You will need to add the cluster arn and the policy to as the process creates its own IAM role (for testing IAM scaling).
  • If you make a config change to you will need to republish the image right now.

TODO Ideas

  • Wire up cloudwatch metrics for client side visibility during a load test.

Cleanup after OutOfMemory Or Other Unexpected Failure

rm /tmp/topics.txt
$KAFKABIN/ --bootstrap-server $KAFKASTR --list | grep msk-test-harness > /tmp/topics.txt
while read topic; do
  echo "Deleting topic $topic"
  $KAFKABIN/ --bootstrap-server $KAFKASTR --delete --topic $topic 
done < /tmp/topics.txt

Install Maven on Amazon Linux Machine

Assumes you do this in /home/ec2-user/ and are using bash

sudo wget
tar xzvf apache-maven-3.9.1-bin.tar.gz
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/home/ec2-user/apache-maven-3.9.1/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Running From Maven

mvn spring-boot:run"-Xms2G -Xmx2G"

Docker Image Create and Upload

Assumes you have populated the env variable $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID

For us-east-1:

mvn clean verify
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $
docker tag msk/harness:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT $
docker push $

For us-west-2:

mvn clean verify
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $
docker tag msk/harness:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT $
docker push $


Load testing AWS MSK clusters







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