If you want to execute these scripts locally, use the Docker image jenkinsciinfra/jenkins-agent-ubuntu-22.04
(source code at https://github.com/jenkins-infra/packer-images).
It includes all the required dependencies:
- Ruby
- Ruby Gems for octokit.rb to generate reports about the
GitHub organization and graphql - Bash
- JQ, Azure and other command lines used by bash scripts
You can check the exact image version by checking the Jenkins agent pod template specified in ./JenkinsAgentPodTemplate.yaml
Prints a two-dimensional JSON array optimized for use in DataTables hosted at Source Code Hosting.
Format example:
We use a Github App for that, you'll need to define the following environment variables to run the script:
- GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY_B64: The Github App private key in PEM format, encoded in base64
- GITHUB_APP_ID: The GitHub App's identifier (type integer) set when registering an app
- GITHUB_ORG_NAME: The Github organization name (ex: "jenkinsci")
cd permisions-report/
ruby ./permisions-report.rb
Creates a report listing all user accounts in Artifactory.
This requires Artifactory admin user credentials.
cd artifactory-users-report/
export ARTIFACTORY_AUTH=admin-username:admin-token
bash ./user-report.sh
Creates a report listing all user accounts in a Jira group containing plugin maintainers.
Currently, we use jira-users
for that, but may in the future use a more limited group.
This requires Jira admin user credentials.
cd jira-users-report/
export JIRA_AUTH=admin-username:admin-token
bash ./user-report
Creates an html file with the current state of the documentation migration project
Consumed by docs-sig
We use a Github App for that, you'll need to define the following environment variables to run the script:
- GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY_B64: The Github App private key in PEM format, encoded in base64
- GITHUB_APP_ID: The GitHub App's identifier (type integer) set when registering an app
- GITHUB_ORG_NAME: The Github organization name (ex: "jenkinsci")
cd plugin-migration
npm install
node index.js > index.html
Creates a report listing all get.jenkins.io mirrors.
Not consumed yet.
This requires curl(1), jq(1) and xq(1) command line tools.
cd jenkins-infra-data/