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Releases: jessesquires/JSQMessagesViewController

7.3.5 [Deprecated]

17 Jul 02:09
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This library is being deprecated. Please read my blog post for details:


21 Jul 04:51
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This release closes the 7.3.4 milestone.

  • Fixed issue where cell would highlight outside of the message bubble when long pressing (#1744, #1583)


10 Jun 04:25
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This release closes the 7.3.3 milestone.

  • Fixed crash when tapping Delete after selecting text in composer text view. (#1663, #1664)
  • Fixed issue where long-pressing text in the composer text view would display non-standard iOS options in the contextual menu. (#1663, #1664)

Thanks @halvini and @GianniCarlo! 🎉


05 Jun 23:31
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This release closes the 7.3.2 milestone.

  • Fixed minor bug in scrollToIndexPath:animated: (#1642, thanks @IceFloe!)
  • Fixed possible KVO crash in keyboard controller (#1631, thanks @nixxcode!)


30 May 19:11
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This release closes the 7.3.1 milestone.


  • Reverted #1588
  • Fixed #1602, tabbar offset bug
  • Fixed #1604, crash on iOS 7

Thanks @sebastianludwig ! 🎉


23 May 22:13
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This release closes the 7.3.0 milestone.

See the 7.3.0 milestone for the complete list of fixes and improvements.

Enhancements ✨

🎉 New JSQAudioMediaItem for sending audio media (#1495)
Now you can embed audio files just as easily as images. Plays all formats supported by AVAudioPlayer (AAC, MP3, PCM, etc). Use the default UI or customize it via JSQAudioMediaViewAttributes. See the docs for details.
Thanks @eliburke!

🎉 Fixed crash when long pressing on data detector links (#1247)
This is a workaround for an iOS bug.
Thanks @steipete!

🎉 Improved custom cell menu support (#1281)
Your JSQMessagesViewController subclass can now override didReceiveMenuWillShowNotification: and didReceiveMenuWillHideNotification: for more fine-grained UIMenuController handling.
Thanks @keyeMyria!

🎉 Accessibility enhancements to improve VoiceOver support (#873)
Cell and Accessory buttons now have accessibility labels. Incoming messages are announced.
Thanks @BillCarsonFr!

🎉 Customizable isOutgoing method(#1203)
Allows better control over incoming/outgoing directionality for Team/Group chats. See the docs for details.
Thanks @sebastianludwig!

- (BOOL)isOutgoingMessage:(id<JSQMessageData>)messageItem;

🎉 Scroll to a specific row in the collection, optionally animated (#1195)
See the docs for details. Thanks @sebastianludwig!

- (void)scrollToIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath animated:(BOOL)animated;

🎉 New localizations

🎉 Swift Demo Project (#1572 and others)
An implementation of a Swift project utilizing JSQMessagesViewController. There is a ConversationListView and ConversationView demonstrating basic features of JSQ. Just pod install to run the project.
Thanks @MacMeDan!

Bugs closed 🐛

Documentation improvements 📝

The full documentation is here.

Stats 📈

Due to the hard work from @orta and the @cocoapods team, I have some fun statistics to share about the library!

As of this writing:

  • Total downloads: 529,107
  • Total apps: 11,873
  • GitHub Stars: 8,145
  • See more on the library's cocoapods page

Thanks ❤️

As always, many thanks to all the contributors to this successful release!

💪 😎 👊


15 Sep 05:32
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See the 7.2.0 milestone for the complete list of fixes and improvements.

Enhancements ✨

🎉 New solution for custom fonts (#347)
Using a custom font has been problematic for awhile. This mostly because there are tons of edge-cases regarding how glyph sizes are computed. To address this, the JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout object has a new property:

@property (strong, nonatomic) id<JSQMessagesBubbleSizeCalculating> bubbleSizeCalculator;

With this, you can now provide your own object conforming to the JSQMessagesBubbleSizeCalculating protocol and calculate the bubble sizes you need for your custom font! 😎 The library provides a default value for this, an instance of JSQMessagesBubblesSizeCalculator, which maintains existing behavior.

🎉 Fixed-width bubbles (#1112) — Thanks @walsh2000!
See the docs for the aforementioned JSQMessagesBubblesSizeCalculator. Using fixed-width bubbles will prevent message bubbles from resizing on rotation to landscape.

🎉 Text cells can now be deleted (#970)
Opt-in to this behavior using the following:

// in viewDidLoad
[JSQMessagesCollectionViewCell registerMenuAction:@selector(delete:)];

// then override the method
 - (void)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView didDeleteMessageAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;

🎉 Localizations for Korean (#1149) and Arabic (#1130)
Thanks @chanil1218 and @qaysdwekat!

🎉 Better pin image drawing in JSQLocationMediaItem (#1162)
Pins on location item maps are now perfectly centered. 😎
Thanks @harlanhaskins!

🎉 Intercept paste events from the input textView (#1136)
See the docs for JSQMessagesComposerTextViewPasteDelegate.
Thanks @harlanhaskins!

🎉 Spacing for input toolbar items (#1035)
The JSQMessagesToolbarContentView class has gained 2 new properties: leftContentPadding and rightContentPadding. See the docs for details.
Thanks @kohtenko!

Bugs closed 🐛

Stats 📈

Due to the hard work from @orta and the @cocoapods team, I have some fun statistics to share about the library!

As of this writing:

  • Total downloads: 6013
  • Total apps: 419
  • See more on the library's cocoapods page

Thanks ❤️

As always, many thanks to all the contributors to this successful release!

💪 😎 👊


31 May 18:25
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See the 7.1.0 milestone for the complete list of fixes and improvements.

  • Better and easier mechanism for handling custom menu actions, activated via long-press, for cells. The demo project has been updated with an example.
    Thanks @sebastianludwig!
    Relevant issues: #810, #811
  • You can now specify a maximum height for the input toolbar, via self.inputToolbar.maximumHeight. The default behavior is unchanged, allowing the toolbar to grow to the top of the collection view.
    Thanks @lbanders and @werediver!
    Relevant issues: #323, #756, #950
  • The keyboardController property on JSQMessagesViewController is now public. This allows you to modify the keyboard behavior if needed, but this should be a rare use case. Here be dragons! 🐉 You've been warned.

Release 7.0.2

05 May 22:26
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Bug fixes. See milestone 7.0.2 for details.

Release 7.0.1

19 Apr 18:41
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Bug fixes and improvements.

See milestone 7.0.1 for details.