A LaTex template for reports, based on the elegant NIPS 2018 style.
This template retains the clean look of the single-column NIPS style, with the addition of a few extra options suitable for reports.
See example_minimal.pdf
and its TeX file for a short demonstration.
By default without options, the package will add line numbers and generate A4 size pages. List of options:
- none : Draft version, with line numbers.
- titlepage : Produce a title page, with university name and logo.
- letter : For letter sized page.
- preprint : Preprint version.
- anonymise: For anonymised submission. Will also add line numbers.
- final : To generate final version without line numbers.
Multiple authors can be placed in the following format:
\author{Your Name \\ \textit{ID / Some text} \AND
Co-author \\ \textit{Supervisor} \AND
Co-author \\ \textit{Co-supervisor} \And
Co-author \\ \textit{Co-supervisor} \And
Co-author \\ \textit{Co-supervisor}}
\author{Your Name \AND
Co-author \AND
Co-author \And
Co-author \And
Co-author }
Authors are separated using \AND
and \And
The difference between them is:
forces a line break.\And
leaves it to LaTeX to determine where to break the lines.
In the most minimal case:
\author{Your Name}
If the "titlepage" option is used, the name and logo of the university can be set via:
\newcommand{\universityLogo}{images/logo1.png} % Put university logo path here
\newcommand{\university}{My University / Faculty Name} % Put university name here
- Footnote can be provided:
\newcommand{\titlePageFootnote}{Complete Research Progress Report}
- Author vertical placement can be adjusted:
Combining everything:
\newcommand{\university}{University of Life}
\newcommand{\titlePageFootnote}{Progress Report}
\title{My Work}
\author{Your Name \\ \textit{ID / Some text} \AND
Co-author \\ \textit{Supervisor} \AND
Co-author \\ \textit{Co-supervisor}}
\usepackage[square, numbers]{natbib}
\usepackage[square, numbers]{natbib}
\citep{xu2015show} % wraps citation in parentheses: (Xu et al., 2015)
\citet{xu2015show} % in-line citation: Xu et al. (2015)
Subsections are numbered down until level 4 (x.x.x.x), and will appear in Table of Contents. Created by using either one of these:
\paragraph{Subsection name}
\subsubsubsection{Subsection name}
Subsections of level 5 are not numbered, and will NOT appear in Table of Contents:
\subparagraph{Subsection name}
\subsubsubsubsection{Subsection name}