cargo-tst is a small cargo extension to allow fuzzy finding of tests. It is currently implemented in a quick MVP fashion. Meaning that the code is ugly, many edge(and non edge)cases are not handled. It is however already quite usefull if you have a project with many files and you are tired having to type in the exact name of the test you want to run.
Please leave a star if this is something you are interested in. If others find this useful I will polish it and publish to
I am holding off on publishing this to until I can gauge if others find this useful.
cargo install --git
cd into the project and type cargo tst search_term
where search_term
is the term used to match against test names.
The five closest matching names will be presented and you can select which one to run. After selecting a test cargo tst
ben run without a search term to rerun the same test. The last run test is project specific so there is no overlap when switching projects.