SliQEC is a BDD-based quantum circuit equivalence checker implemented in C/C++ on top of CUDD package.
Clone the project
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
Build the checker with CMake, type the command at the root directory.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build .
The circuit format being checked is OpenQASM
used by IBM's Qiskit, and our supported gate set now contains Pauli-X, Pauli-Y, Pauli-Z, Hadamard, Phase and its inverse, π/8 and its inverse, Rotation-X with phase π/2, Rotation-Y with phase π/2, Controlled-NOT, Controlled-Z, Toffoli, SWAP, and Fredkin. One can find some example benchmarks in examples folder.
The help message concludes the details for execution:
$ ./SliQEC --help
--help produce help message.
--reorder arg (=1) allow variable reordering or not.
0: disable 1: enable default: 1
--bitwidth_control arg (=0) bitwidth control when overflowing
0: extendBitwidth 1: dropLSB
--init_bitwidth arg (=4) initial bitwidth r
default: 4
--circuit1 arg circuit1 under equivalence checking.
--circuit2 arg circuit2 under equivalence checking.
--approach arg (=miter) approach of equivalence checking
miter: construct miter
construct: construct fucntionality
simulation: simulation