- CMPSC473 Spring 2015 - This code represents the homework assignments that were given to us over the course of this class. They include some documentation in each implementation
- Assignment 1 - CPU scheduler within a user-level threads package
- Assignment 2 - Design a user-space memory allocator - simple rewrite of malloc
- Assignment 3 - a toy mapreduce-like parallel program for word counting
- There are makefiles included with each program. Everything was developed on Ubuntu 14, or maybe 12 (I can't quite remember at the moment). So if there are any dependencies just apt-get them.
- Don't copy this code for your use in any class assignments. If you do you're a shitty programmer and don't deserve a degree. I worked hard to learn and understand how to program these assignments and to accomplish it any other way is equivalent to resigning yourself to failure.
- If you're interested in asking questions about the code, email me at [email protected]