Some utility libraries to deal with objects, strings, functions and retries:
Spring Boot starters for developers using AWS services are provided under the jn-spring-boot-aws module:
A BOM is provided to manage all your dependencies on any Jn Utils library and to make sure Maven picks the compatible versions when depending on multiple Jn Utils libraries.
I've taken some code and ideas from different Github repositories so I'm linking to that sources and I'd like to thank the authors.
In jn-base:
- Preconditions is a simpler version of Guava's Preconditions class.
- StringUtils and ObjectUtils contain minimal functionality from Spring's StringUtils and ObjectUtils .
In jn-function:
- The XXXWithException clases are inspired by this gist:
- The retrying features borrow a lot from the library guava-retrying.
- I've made an important rework and reduced some functionality, assuming that a result without exceptions is always a valid result and won't need to be retried, that I won't need block strategies or retry listeners, etc.
- I've added features, like retries of functions, consumers, suppliers, runnables, ...