This repository holds the source code of the crisis simulation Game: Desk CriSim. Desk CriSim is a web application that allows students to simulate crisis situations. Teachers can assign students as certain actors in a crisis situation and monitor the choices that the students make on events that happen during a crisis.
- The Development Team
- Setup a docker container
- Installing
- Quick setup
- Running
- Required Dependencies
- ❤️ Proudly build with open-source technology:
- A few notes referenced above
- Known issues
- Licencing
- Back-end:
- Front-end:
You could run everything in a Docker Container this way you don't have to install everything by hand and are guaranteed to have everything setup properly. See our instructions for more information about installing Docker.
To much text, take me to the quick setup!
The application is platform independent and should run on Linux 🐧, Mac OS and even on windows. However our production server and automated tests (Unit tests, security tests, continues integration and code quality tests) run on Linux servers (specifically: Ubuntu 18.04/18.10) .
This means that it is guarantied to work on Linux, because we would catch the failing builds. This is also our initial target setup for the production server. It should also work on any unix-like operating system like BSD or Mac OSX but you should validate that your php version is compiled with the same arguments as the version in the ubuntu repositories and that you have the correct php extensions installed.
The main programming language of the project is PHP and Java script, but also builds on: (X)HTML, Twig, Markdown, XML, CSS and SCSS mainly for
the presentation of the application. For faster development we choose to use the symfony framework instead of rolling our own. This means that
the project has to install several dependencies in order to run. Composer is a widely used dependency manager for PHP that can install the
required dependencies using the configuration in ./composer.json
see this for information about installing composer.
For loading, pre-processing and compiling the front-end components we use the webpack and the yarn package manager based on nodeJS. It is not required to be installed on a production server but it is certainly easier to install or update the application later on.
Storing data can be done on every database server that is compatible with
doctrine ORM by configuring your database connection parameters in .local.env
or by setting them as environment variables. Make sure
that you don't include them in version control! during development we use MySQL 5.7 but any later
version will do, previous versions are also possible but require you to alter the doctrine settings because 5.7 introduced the json field type
that is used in the application.
Because the routes in the application are dynamically matched inside of the application, it needs a rewrite capable web server like: Nginx or apache (with mod_rewrite) including some with special configuration for it to function properly.
- Working with version controll
- The structure of the project
- development_in_docker
- Migrating the project to production
- Setting up the development tools
First clone the repository from github:
$ git clone
After that change the directory to the project root:
$ cd Desk-Crisim
Now install the required composer dependencies:
$ composer install
and for the front-end packages, run:
$ yarn install
$ yarn run encore --dev
I have created several yarn scripts to run webpack and php servers for
To run webpack for asset compilation run webpack-run
from PhpStorm or with
the commandline:
$ yarn run webpack-run
To watch files (watch for change) and automatic re compilation run webpack-watch
from PhpStorm or with the commandline:
$ yarn run webpack-watch
To stop watching the assets run webpack-watch
from PhpStorm or with the commandline:
$ webpack-unwatch
To run the php buildin webserver from the command-line, you can run:
$ bin/console server:run # Optionally add a ip:port like,
$ bin/console server:start # Same as run, but runes in th background.
# or on windows:
$ php bin/console server:run
$ php bin/console server:start
To terminate the process when server:run is used you can just press crtl+c
to exit, alternatively run:
$ bin/console server:stop
# or on windows:
$ php bin/console server:stop
You could also run everything in a Docker Container this way you don't have to install everything by hand and are guaranteed to have everything setup properly. See our instructions on how to install and configure Docker.
PHP >=7.2
compiled with the
, see this for an explanation. >there are knows issuesRequired Php Modules Needs to be reviewed, not everything is required! php-amqp php-fpm php-xdebug php7.2-dev php7.2-soap php-apcu php-intl php-xml php7.2-fpm php7.2-xml php-apcu-bc php-json php-xmlrpc php7.2-intl php7.2-xmlrpc php-cli php-mbstring php-zip php7.2-json php7.2-zip php-common php-mongodb php7.2-cli php7.2-mbstring php7.2-mysql php-curl php-pear php7.2-common php7.2-opcache php-dev php-soap php7.2-curl php7.2-readline -
Composer - A PHP Dependency manager.
NodeJS - A port of the V8 javascript engine to run JS applications natively.
NPM - The default nodeJS package manager.
Yarn - A much faster and cached version of NPM.
Database servers:
- Linux
- Ubuntu
- Nginx
- Composer
- NodeJS
- Symfony Framework
- Doctrine
- Docker
- Webpack
- Sass
- Travis Ci
- Yarn
- Notes about the requirements
- Why use Php 7.2 compiled with the
flag? It is also possible(But not recommended) to run the application without argon2 and falling back to the previous php hashing standard BCrypt. Its not unsafe but argon2 will be the next standard because it offers better protection against a few specific attacks., and was the winner of a password hashing competition. If you still want to you to change the password hashing configuration change the following in
Replace the linealgorithm: argon2
toalgorithm: BCrypt
- Why use Php 7.2 compiled with the
Known issues in the project, please open a issue and if it is confirmed I will add it in this list, so I can investigate and patch it
- The
bin/console server:run
command or the php daemon crashes when when a web page is served to the client.If you don't change the
algorithm: argon2
line toalgorithm: bcrypt
when running a Php version that is compiled without the-with-password-argon2
flag (libsodium). it will execute seeming without problems, but it will crash (Segfault) your entire php process when a page is served (sometimes it serves a error page with an unrelated error message and then segfault on the second request, Still figuring out what causes this, it should not be possible).
Desk CriSim - A crisis simulation Game. Copyright (C) 2018 Members of the INF2H project group
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
This page (the documentation) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.