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Web Services Rapid Development

HTTP server side development for small or personal projects in a MVC-like way. In fact, it is suitable for most of the daily projects, I have used it to develop a number of online stable projects, very simple. The underlying framework of the HTTP service is based on Koa


npm i js-controller


// Import Library
import { runApp } from 'js-controller';
// Import configuration
  controllerRoot: 'path/to/controller',

runApp accepts an object of type AppConfig to configure the application, all optional except for the controllerRoot parameter, which is mandatory

interface AppConfig {
  // X-Forwarded-Host is supported when proxy is true, default is true
  proxy?: boolean;
  // Application Listening Port, default is 9000
  port?: number | string;
  // Controller root directory
  controllerRoot: string;
  // The default action is `index`
  defaultAction?: string;
  // action prefix hook name, default is 'beforeAction'
  beforeAction?: string;
  // Options for koa-body
  bodyOptions?: IKoaBodyOptions;
  // A function that is triggered when the application starts and is used to initialize some functions
  onStart?: () => Promise<void> | void;
  // custom middlewares for koa
  middlewares?: Middleware[];

For a complete example, please refer to the project under example directory

Controller Conventions

  • The controller is a JavaScript file
  • The controller file must have a default class export
  • The instance methods of the controller class are agreed to be actions
  • The controller file name and the action together form the route, which is case-insensitive
  • Actions can have a default value, which is configured in the startup portal via defaultAction or, if not specified, index.

For example: /module/article/search

The last part of the path search will be treated as the action name, and the previous part /module/article will be treated as the path to the controller file, which will eventually resolve to

  • Controller file: path/to/[controllerRootDir]/module/article.js
  • Action name: search

The corresponding controller file should look like the following, which can be found in the [example](. /example) directory for an example

// ES module. Controller file: article.ts
// Since routing is not case sensitive, the file names article.ts, Article.ts, arTicle.ts are fine
export default class {
  search() {
    // TODO

Controller filenames and action names are case-insensitive:

/module/ArtIcle/search  legal, controller is not case sensitive
/module/ArtIcle/seArch  legal, controller and action are case insensitive
/module/article/SeaRch  legal, actions are case insensitive

If search is configured as the default action, then the routes /module/article/search and /module/article are equivalent

Routing rules


The corresponding route is controller/action


The corresponding route is subdirectory/controller/action


The corresponding route is subdirectory/.../controller/action, Subdirectories can have unlimited levels

The directory structure is shown below.



Clone the project, run it at the same time

npm run ts
npm run dev


Handle http request with controller







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