I highly recommend getting your Beacon from Lukes Lab so you can get the 5M USB for the Giga. (Make sure to notify them you want the Type H Normal Variant) Beacon Install Quick Start Guide - This was used for reference in below configs Download & Print Giga Beacon Adapter.stl
You will need 6 m3x4 Heat Inserts. The LED Relocation bracket insers should installed from the bottom

- ABS(Recommend)
- .16 line height
- 3 Walls
- 4 Top/Bottom Layers
- Remove the Hot End from the Printer(4 M3 Screws, 2 front, 2 back)
- Remove the Case by 2 M3 Screws attaching it
- Remove the Pobe, 2 screws attach it to the metal casing, then trace the wire to the board and fish the wire out of the casing
- Remove the 2 LED Screws and pull it to the side
- Use a Dremel with Cut off Wheel to cut the metal casing as shows in the RED Outlines in the picture
- Using the cut off wheel Cut the Plastic Cover as shown in the picture
- Cut a hole in the top of the Plastic Casing big enough to fit the USB Cable End through, it can also be snaked through near the fan.
- Run the USB through the Cable Chains to the hot end location, fish it through the plastic cover, and down where the LED Use to be
- Mount the USB on the Adapter with 2 M3 Screw
- Mount the Adapter to the stock Sensor Location using 2 M3 Screw, make sure it is tight fitting against the side metal case near the LED. This helps make sure its flat
- Attach the USB to the Beacon, and secure the beacon to the Adapter with 2 M3 Screw
- Re-Mount your Hot End to the Printer
- PLug the USB into the Front Port on the Giga
Before you do this, turn on your printaer and HOME ALL.
- On your Klipper Screen, Click Settings > Advanced Settings > Root
- Follow the Prompts to Root your Klipper and Allow SSH. Note the Username and PW
- On your Pc Download Putty -
- Open Putty and under Host Name type in the IP of your Giga. Should be on the right top corner of the Klipper Screen when connected to WIFI.
- Click Connect, and log in with the supplied Credentials.
Username: Elegoo
Password: giga3dp - Run these 3 commands 1 at a time, it will take some time to complete the Beacon Klipper Install.
cd ~ git clone ./beacon_klipper/
- Do not close putty, we will go back to this shortly
- Navigate to Fluidd via your web browser using the IP from before
- Choose the Configure Icon on the left, and click printer.cfg to started editing. (I recommend you backup this file to be safe before you begin)
- Comment Out the PROBE Section Completely with #. It Should look similar to this:
##################################################################### # Probe ##################################################################### #[probe] #pin:^mcu1:gpio11 #x_offset: -14.0 #y_offset: -29.5 #z_offset: 0.0 #speed: 5.0 #samples: 2 #samples_result: median #sample_retract_dist: 3.0 #samples_tolerance: 0.05 #samples_tolerance_retries:4</li></i></b>
- Add the following below the commented out Probe Section:
[beacon] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Beacon_Beacon_RevH_5BB811315157355957202020FF0E0F24-if00 #This will be REPLACED x_offset: -1 # update with offset from nozzle on your machine y_offset: -18 # update with offset from nozzle on your machine mesh_main_direction: x mesh_runs: 2
- Open Up Putty and Run the following Command
ls /dev/serial/by-id - Copy the USB line that contains Beacon, mine for example was "usb-Beacon_Beacon_RevH_5BB811315157355957202020FF0E0F24-if00"
- Paste the USB info in the beacon section under Serial:(It Should look like above but /dev/serial/by-id/YOUR COPIED USB DATA HERE)
- Find the section [stepper_z]
- Comment Out with #:
#endstop_pin:PC11 #position_endstop:0
- Add the Following lines at the end of stepper_z
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop # use beacon as virtual endstop homing_retract_dist: 0 # beacon needs this to be set to 0</i>
Under [stepper_z1] comment out with #:
- Add Under [stepper_z1] :
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop # use beacon as virtual endstop
- Find the Safe_z_home section and make it as follows:
[safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 405,205 # speed: 150 z_hop: 3 #z_hop_speed: 5
- Click Save in the Top Right Corner, then close
- Open moonraker.cfg
- At the End Add the Following:
[update_manager beacon] type: git_repo channel: dev path: ~/beacon_klipper origin: env: ~/klippy-env/bin/python requirements: requirements.txt install_script: is_system_service: False managed_services: klipper info_tags: desc=Beacon Surface Scanner</i></b> </li>
- Click Save, and Close Again
- Run the following Command (Or Power off/on your Giga Again - This is usually most effective)
systemctl restart klipper - From Fluidd, chose the Command Icon
- Run: G28 X Y
- Run: G0 X605 Y205 to center it on Bed 1
- You must now run commands and lower your Z like your setting the Z offset with the Supplied Metal Feeler or a Piece of Paper
The Command is :TESTZ Z=-0.01 (Lower it as little or increase it to move it down faster until it barely touches the Feeler or Piece of Paper - Once you have your Z Set, Remove the paper/feeler, and Run Command: ACCEPT (It should state calibrating Beacon)
- Run Command: SAVE_CONFIG
- Now Heat the Primary BED your using and Re-Run the Beacon_calibrate Process
- Once Completed and You have ran Save_Config your can run a bed Calibration.
On the first print, you’ll want to use babystepping via the GUI to fine adjust the first layer offset. After the print finishes, the offset can be automatically applied to the model with the Z_OFFSET_APPLY_PROBE command for future prints.