Neovim plugin for editing Tmux configuration and scripting files. Consists largely of features provided in vim-tmux, rewritten in Lua for easier Neovim integration and extensibility moving forward.
- Improved file detection
- Support for
, callingtmux source
on the file in the current buffer. A Lua function to do the same with the plenary.nvim Job API is included as well. - Execute command under cursorline or visual select
- Show the man page entry for the item under the cursor in a floating window
- Neovim 0.7.0+
- Tmux (tested on 3.3a)
- plenary.nvim
With packer.nvim:
requires = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
config = function()
Provide a table overwriting any of the following keys to setup()
-- defaults are below:
local nvim_tmux_default_configs = {
floatwin = {
-- Height and width of tmux man page display in floating window. Should be
-- values between 0 and 1, reflecting the % of the buffer height/width to use
height = 0.85,
width = 0.85,
-- Styling of man page floating window. Set to `nil` to enable line number,
-- color columns, etc (see `style` under :h nvim_open_win)
style = "minimal",
-- Styling of man page floating window border. See `border` under
-- :h nvim_open_win for the complete list of options.
border = "single"
No keymaps are provided by default, but you can put the following into an augroup
or ftplugin/tmux.lua
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>s", "<Plug>(tmux_source_file)", { silent = true, remap = false })
vim.keymap.set("n", "K", "<Plug>(tmux_show_man_floatwin)", { silent = true, remap = false })
vim.keymap.set("n", "g!!", "<Plug>(tmux_execute_cursorline)", { silent = true, remap = false })
vim.keymap.set("v", "g!", "<Plug>(tmux_execute_selection)", { silent = true, remap = false })