Ludo is a strategy board game for two to four players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to the rolls of a single die.
Two, three, or four can play, without partnerships. At the beginning of the game, each player's four tokens are out of play and staged in the player's yard (one of the large corner areas of the board in the player's colour). When able to, the players will enter their tokens one per time on their respective starting squares, and proceed to race them clockwise around the board along the game track (the path of squares not part of any player's home column). When reaching the square below his home column, a player continues by moving tokens up the column to the finishing square. The rolls of a single die control the swiftness of the tokens, and entry to the finishing square requires a precise roll from the player. The first to bring all their tokens to the finish wins the game. (Wikipedia)
- React
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Javascript
- JSON Web Tokens
- Heroku
- mLab
- Block the move if the user has another pieces at the possible next position.
- Set the logic to have the exact roll inside the Safe Lane.
- Reset opponent's Piece if piece lands on the same position.
- Check for winner.
- Keep rolls history.
- Configure AI to have User X Machine.