Génie des bioressources, Université McGill
- Montréal, Canada
- 1h ahead
Schema evolution with bi-directional lenses.
Client (IPA) en JavaScript pour le réseau constellation.
✍️📚我写博客的地方🤪🤪🤪记录随笔与学习笔记,仓库包含:博客内容,博客主题、博客模板、vitepress离线全文搜索插件、VitePress RSS 支持插件;a blog theme use vitepress
Realtime decentralised chat with libp2p showing ubiquitous peer-to-peer connectivity between multiple programming languages (Go, Rust, TypeScript) and runtimes (Web, native binary) using QUIC, WebR…
yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist.
Decentralized authentication and authorization for team collaboration, using a secure chain of cryptological signatures. (Formerly known as 🌮 Taco.)
Estimate the carbon footprint of a user scenario on a web application
Free to use online tool for labelling photos. https://makesense.ai
A python library to estimate likely triggers of mapped landslides
Le système distribué et ouvert pour le partage de données scientifiques.
Control an IPFS daemon (go-ipfs or js-ipfs) using JavaScript!
文言文編程語言 A programming language for the ancient Chinese.
A Bengali Scripting Language build with ECMA Script grammar and is parsed using JISON JavaScript parser.
SDEverywhere translates System Dynamics models from Vensim to C, JavaScript, and WebAssembly
A simple, yet aHmazing arabic programming language meant to light up your day
Opposite of a parser: generates minimum-length derivation from a parse tree.
பைந்தமிழ் (pytamil) library is intended to be used in analysis of tamil literary work. A wealth of knowledge is hidden in old literature. They are time machines to past. Ever wondered what is the p…
Open Source Tamil NLP Tools - தமிழ் இயற்கை மொழி பகுப்பாய்வு நிரல்தொகுப்பு
Use https://github.com/scottfr/simulation instead of this repository.
Bi-directional transliterator for Python. Transliterates (unicode) strings according to the rules specified in the language packs.
FloodRisk- QGIS plugin that provides the assessment of flood consequences,in terms of loss of life and direct economic damages.