Create mysql containers on the fly or link them persistantly to your web app you push up to your Dokku install. See Dokku for the bigger picture.
cd /var/lib/dokku/plugins
git clone mysql
chmod +x mysql/install mysql/commands mysql/pre-release
dokku plugins-install
$ dokku help
mysql:create <app> Create a MySql container
mysql:delete <app> Delete specified MySql container
mysql:info <app> Display database informations
mysql:link <app> <db> Link an app to a MySql database
mysql:logs <app> Display last logs from MySql contain
##Simple usage
Create a new DB:
$ dokku mysql:create foo # Server side
$ ssh dokku@server mysql:create foo # Client side
-----> MySql container created: mysql/foo
User: 'admin'
Password: 'RDSBYlUrOYMtndKb'
Database: 'db'
Internal port: 3306
Deploy your app with the same name (client side):
$ git remote add dokku git@server:foo
$ git push dokku master
Counting objects: 155, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (70/70), done.
Writing objects: 100% (155/155), 22.44 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 155 (delta 92), reused 131 (delta 80)
remote: -----> Building foo ...
remote: PHP app detected
... blah blah blah ...
remote: -----> Deploying foo ...
remote: -----> App foo linked to mysql/foo database
remote: -----> Deploy complete!
remote: -----> Cleaning up ...
remote: -----> Cleanup complete!
remote: =====> Application deployed:
remote: http://foo.server
Link your app to the database
dokku mysql:link app_name database_name
##Advanced usage
Deleting databases:
dokku mysql:delete foo
Linking an app to a specific database:
dokku mysql:link foo bar
MySql logs (per database):
dokku mysql:logs foo
Database informations:
dokku mysql:info foo