Forked version of Postgres 12 build logic located here with additional extensions needed for customer deployments.
This image is pubished at with kasmweb/postgres:1.12.0
being the current release.
In order to integrate this image in an existing Kasm Workspaces deployment the Docker Compose files used for the deployment will need to be modified using the following command:
sudo sed -i 's/postgres:12-alpine/kasmweb\/postgres:1.12.0/g' /opt/kasm/current/docker/docker-compose.yaml
From here please follow the instructions in the Custom Extensions section.
In order to use this image you will need to modify the installer's Docker Compose files to point to this new database image. For this example we will be using the current Kasm Workspaces 1.12.0 release:
tar -xf kasm_release_1.12.0.d4fd8a.tar.gz
sed -i 's/postgres:12-alpine/kasmweb\/postgres:1.12.0/g' kasm_release/docker/docker-compose-*
Before installing be sure to follow the instructions in the Custom Extensions section.
PGAudit provides detailed session and/or object audit logging via the standard logging facility provided by PostgreSQL.
The PGAudit extension will need to be enabled in /opt/kasm/current/conf/database/postgresql.conf
this can be achieved with:
sudo sed -i "/^#shared_preload_libraries/c\shared_preload_libraries = 'pgaudit'" /opt/kasm/current/conf/database/postgresql.conf
Then the services will need to be restarted wth:
sudo /opt/kasm/bin/stop
sudo /opt/kasm/bin/start
From the directory your installer is extracted to run:
sed -i "/^#shared_preload_libraries/c\shared_preload_libraries = 'pgaudit'" kasm_release/conf/database/postgresql.conf
Now follow the standard installation using your modified installer with both the new image and postgresql.conf
Once the modifications have been made to enable the PGAudit extension you will need to enter the database to configure the extension. In this example we will be enabling logging for read, write, and ddl classes of statements.
sudo docker exec -it kasm_db psql -U kasmapp -d kasm
kasm=# CREATE EXTENSION pgaudit;
kasm=# ALTER DATABASE kasm set pgaudit.log='read,write,ddl';
With the extension enabled and configured the default log will produce log entries for the classes of statements you defined in the file /opt/kasm/current/log/postgres/postgresql-*.log
Here are the classes available for logging:
- pgaudit.log: Specifies which classes of statements will be logged by session audit logging. The default is none. Possible values are:
- READ: SELECT and COPY when the source is a relation or a query.
- WRITE: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, and COPY when the destination is a relation.
- FUNCTION: Function calls and DO blocks.
- ROLE: Statements related to roles and privileges: GRANT, REVOKE, CREATE/ALTER/DROP ROLE.
- DDL: All DDL that is not included in the ROLE class.
- MISC: Miscellaneous commands, e.g. DISCARD, FETCH, CHECKPOINT, VACUUM, SET.
- MISC_SET: Miscellaneous SET commands, e.g. SET ROLE.
- ALL: Include all of the above.