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Population Density Map Web Application

This is a React-based web application that visualizes population density across the United States. Users can interact with the map to view population density information for each state. The application features a toggle to display or hide population density colors on the map, along with tooltips showing population details when hovering over states.


  • Interactive Map: The application uses OpenLayers to render an interactive map of the United States.
  • Population Density Visualization: States are color-coded based on their population density, with an adjustable opacity to see map details.
  • Tooltips: Hovering over a state displays a tooltip with the population density information.
  • Toggle Density Display: A button to toggle the visibility of the population density colors on the map.
  • Login Page: A dummy login page that redirects to the map page upon entering correct credentials.

Technologies Used

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • OpenLayers: A high-performance, feature-packed library for creating interactive maps.
  • TypeScript: A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.

Instructions to Run the Application Locally


  • Node.js and npm installed. You can download them from here.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd population-density-map
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the application:

    npm start

    This will start the development server and open the application in your default web browser. The application will be running at http://localhost:3000.

Folder Structure

  • src/: Contains the source code of the application.
    • components/: Contains the React components used in the application.
      • MapComponent.tsx: The main map component with population density features.
      • Legend.tsx: The Legend component to represent population density data.
      • LoginPage.tsx: The dummy login page component.
    • App.tsx: The main application component.
    • index.tsx: The entry point of the React application.


This project is containerized with Docker, making it easy to deploy and run on your local machine.

Running the Docker Image

  1. Login to Docker: Ensure you are logged in to Docker Hub on your terminal.
    docker login
  2. Run docker image Start the Docker container, mapping port 3000 on your local machine to port 80 in the container.
    docker run -it -p 3000:80 kaushikt19/geovision
  3. Access the application Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to view the application.

This setup allows you to easily deploy and access the application locally using Docker. You can use any free port instead of 3000.

Kubernetes Orchestration

This section provides instructions for deploying your Dockerized application using Kubernetes. Ensure that you have a working Kubernetes cluster (like Minikube or a cloud-based Kubernetes service) and kubectl set up on your machine.

  1. Pull Docker Image
    Ensure your Docker image is built and pushed to a container registry like Docker Hub.

    docker login
    docker pull kaushikt19/geovision
  2. Create a Kubernetes Deployment
    Create a deployment configuration file named deployment.yaml.

    Apply the deployment using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  3. Expose the Deployment
    Create a service configuration file named service.yaml. Apply the service using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f service.yaml
  4. Check the Status
    Verify that the deployment and service are running correctly.

    kubectl get deployments
    kubectl get services
  5. Access the Application
    For Minikube, you may need to run the following command to access the LoadBalancer service:

    minikube service geovision-service

    This command will open your default browser to the service URL. Alternatively, you can get the external IP and port by running:

    kubectl get services

    Access the application at the provided external IP and port. For example, if running locally via Minikube:


Demo Credentials

To use the dummy login page, you can click the "Show Demo Credentials" button on the login page to view the demo username and password.