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Usage for v0.10

kazuya kawaguchi edited this page Nov 21, 2015 · 1 revision

Support Vue.js version

0.10.3 - 0.10.5


component (v0.19.9)

$ component install kazupon/vue-validator


$ bower install vue-validator


var Vue = require('vue')
var validator = require('vue-validator')

<form id="blog-form" v-validate>
    <input type="text" v-model="comment | length min:16 max:128">
        <span v-show="$validation.comment.length.max">too long your comment.</span>
        <span v-show="$validation.comment.length.min">too short your comment.</span>

Specify v-validate directive, extend as follows:

  • $validation available in the ViewModel instance
  • $valid available in the ViewModel instance
  • Validate filters available in v-model
  • Validation result can reference property of $validation

NOTE: you need to specify v-validate at form or div, containerable tag.


The $validation keep the validate result of validation filter per each v-model.


For example, if you use required validation filter on the comment v-model, as follows

<form id="user-form" v-validate>
    Password: <input type="password" v-model="password | required"><br />
        <span v-show="$validation.password.required">required your password.</span>


The $valid keep the validate result of validation in the v-validate directive.

For example, you can use $valid as follows

<form id="user-form" v-validate>
    ID: <input type="text" v-model="id | required | length min:3 max:16"><br />
    Password: <input type="password" v-model="password | required | length min:8 max:16"><br />
    <input type="submit" value="send" v-if="$valid">
        <span v-show="$">required your ID.</span>
        <span v-show="$">too short your ID.</span>
        <span v-show="$">too long your ID.</span>
        <span v-show="$validation.password.required">required your password.</span>
        <span v-show="$validation.password.length.min">too short your password.</span>
        <span v-show="$validation.password.length.max">too long your password.</span>

Validate filters


For example, you can use required validation filter as follows.

<form id="user-form" v-validate>
    Password: <input type="password" v-model="password | required"><br />
        <span v-show="$validation.password.required">required your password.</span>


For example, you can use pattern validation filter as follows.

<form id="user-form" v-validate>
    Zip: <input type="text" v-model="zip | pattern /^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$/"><br />
        <span v-show="$">Invalid format of your zip code.</span>


For example, you can use length validation filter as follows.

<form id="blog-form" v-validate>
    <input type="text" v-model="comment | length min:16 max:128">
        <span v-show="$validation.comment.max">too long your comment.</span>
        <span v-show="$validation.comment.min">too short your comment.</span>


For example, you can use numeric validation filter as follows.

<form id="config-form" v-validate>
    <input type="text" v-model="threshold | numeric min:0 max:100">
        <span v-show="$validation.threshold.numeric.min">too small threshold.</span>
        <span v-show="$validation.threshold.numeric.min">too big threshold.</span>
        <span v-show="$validation.threshold.numeric.value">Invalid threshold value.</span>


For example, you can use validator validation filter as follows.

<form id="blog-form" v-validate>
    <input type="text" v-model="comment | validator validateCustom">
        <span v-show="$validation.comment.validator.validateCustom">invalid custom</span>
new Vue({
    el: '#blog-form',
    data: {
        comment: ''
    methods: {
        // Specify custom validate function
        validateCustom: function (val) {
            // write custom validation here as follows
            this.$validation['comment.validator.validateCustom'] = !(0 < val.length & val.length < 3)

            return val;